Let's talk about the current Battleground situation

queues up for an epic for the first time in a few days

le gasp premade


There’s been a lot of Horde premade groups lately.

There are so many lists of what they could do.

An actual tracking of groups and real randomization even with longer queues would be a start. Couple that with cross faction queuing, and a lower level version of an abandon timer and you have a way to stop them without huge disruptions. Add in some attempt to actually put together matched grouping would be good as well. They are not queuing single as that would be hard to do.

At the very least they could say that doing that could get you banned, then actually watch for people with exact queue times over and over again and do compare that to the win rates and you have a pretty solid idea.

So I gotta ask, why are you here if you are still queuing and don’t think they can do anything? Not saying you can’t be just wondering what the point is of posting on these threads if you don’t seem to care?


Disallowing premades of over 5 players by adding queue limits just allows Blizzard to virtue signal. Blizzard: “We dont enable 6+ players to queue together in a raid group, so if you are facing raid groups of players on coms thats someone elses fault”. All the while Blizzard knows subverting the party limit size for queues grants distinct advantage for any raid/guild/community that gets to play against those that dont subvert the queue player count limit.

Thing is, if players were subverting the player count allowing 10 players to be together in M+, or 80 players in raids, bans would be issued immediately and a fix for the exploit would be coded in post haste, PVE content access might even be impossible while they design countermeasures.

In the case of Random BGs and EBGs, cross faction now, and for each I’d suggest filling no less than 3 instances of each at the same time, randomly place non groups queuers in the 3 instances, and players be notified the content is ready for them at staggered times. Queuing at the same second might offer as good as a 33% chance to get in the same BG as someone you are actively trying to play with, but if that even happens it is less than 50% chance they are on your team. And when the queue pops for you is not when the queue pops for them. Add a substantial stacking no Queueing account wide debuff for dodging queues and it is mostly a problem solved. Only the exceptionally lucky would stack their team with premades on coms before they queued some of the time.

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they added a timer to wsg. players can and do still gy farm even with a 15 min time limit. you think that change was specifically because of twinks? lol.

Sounds to me like he’s just a veteran that understands reality and doesn’t treat a video game like it’s his career. This is a very healthy approach.

No clue what you mean here.

The rest of your ideas generally make sense though. Are you trying to say this would get them good will from their player base? Not really what virtue signaling means but whatever.

Again, then why be here? If you supposedly understand reality so much that you don’t try to do anything to push a company to make change…then why are you trying to change…then why are you going back and forth on a forum?

Sounds to me more like he hasn’t actually read any of the hundreds of posts with very simple ways to mitigate the issue, and is instead just saying “gee what could they possibly do”, then coming here and telling people that there is just nothing to be done. Sorry don’t buy it. That makes no sense.

So my questions stands.

Virtue signaling is trying to convince people that you are acting morally when you are not so virtuous. Someone that’s virtue signaling wants to seem morally superior while not being morally superior. They want to seem like they’re helping or they care by putting in a group size limit, but then don’t enforce it when the reality is it’s easy to circumvent the the party limit. Additional steps to prevent queue syncing should have been implemented, but hasn’t happened in 20+ years.

Like a politician saying, thank me for ending crime because I signed such and such into law, but crime stays the same, or even gets worse. You can have all the laws on the books or policies in the in terms of service, but without enforcement they don’t do anything.

You’re depressing.

I do care. I’ve had a number of posts taken down linking stuff like Venruki’s vid, posts in General about this issue, etc. I’m not pro q syncer, would like Blizz to do something, but I know a thing or two about comp systems and I just have no idea how they can control outside action.

I’ve seen all the suggestions you mention. Idk if any will work. I am pretty darn certain Blizz is aware of this issue. In fact, personally, I think Blitz was a way to deal with it, solo Q, etc…but it didn’t quite work, tho works well enough for rated.

Is their system perfect? No. Is it pretty solid design? Yep. Can something be done about the qsyncers? idk…I hope so.

That’s really not what virtue signaling is…well sort of. It’s really just doing something for the kudos not for the point of it. You might fully believe it but you do it so publicaly you are signaling your virtue louder than you are actually working on the issue.
It sounded like you were saying that fixing it would be just virtue signaling, not that puting the queue thing in was.

I actually think the queue limit was the last vestige of them actually trying to fix pvp, then it got circumvented and they decided the roi wasn’t there for the dev time to fix it so they dumped the whole thing.

Anyway just a misunderstanding of what you were saying there. I gotcha now.

Haha ok

Ok that’s fine man. I know a lot about how computer systems work, been in the industry from just about every side for over 25 years. There are a ton of ways you could do this, but they haven’t tried so many of them, and disengaged from the whole pvp community.

Literally everything can be circumvented some how. The job of IT when it comes to this is to actively fight it, and move with the issues. You will never get to 100% for any security situation ever…just not possible. That doesn’t mean you quit. As far as I have seen…Blizzard quit on this, and that is just not good customer service.

So I think we should keep giving them crap for not trying but give them leniency when they do try. If they engaged at all, it would go pretty damn far to help with good will. No engagement, and no new circumvention systems for this length of time is what the issue is. It’s not that this keeps happening, that is just life. It’s that they have stopped trying.


LOL y’all mad. Start queue syncing or get lost. Go PvE your little hearts out. Blizz clearly don’t see it as an issue, so why do you. Stop playing the game simple as that. I’m having a blast queue syncing. Gearing all my alts SUPER FAST.

Imagine, y’all are paying monthly to get farmed LOL!!!

Y’all are addicts who’ll never quit. So, keep queueing, keep feeding the beast. Y’all fail to realize the nature of nature. Some are predators some are prey. Enjoy being cattle for the wolves!

Oh, and be sure to feed more money to Blizzard through store mounts, mogs, etc… That’ll def get them to listen! LOL.

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He must be related to Soul.

They have the same laugh.

Thanks for explaining how far queue syncing is separated in intent and morality from the typical “I just want to play with friends” talking point usually used to disguise the reality of it’s use.

Since it is an exploit, it is refreshing to see someone own up to it.


Enjoy being cattle for the wolves! Keep feeding the beast! Nature of nature! Some are predators some are prey!

Why are people in premades some of the cringiest people? Like is this who they have representing them?


do you stick to this forum 24/7 and wait for them to appear or what?

u are always there within seconds.

Who are you talking about?