Let's talk about the current Battleground situation

Where? Show your proof.

literally saying its allowed, no cheating, not exploiting. u dont view what they say as a fact tho, just a lie like u claim everything else is

But you guys aren’t doing that.

we are…? never knew u were in BSG to say what we’re doing is something different. what proof do you have?

I have watched and the addon and proof has all been exposed. No reason to lie anymore. Plus, you guys aren’t just queueing at the same time, you are dodging and leaving queues unless your whole team gets in.

that was AVM… u rly have a hard time reading dont u lol
literally had multiple queues taken that was just my 5 man team with the rest of the team as pugs, we fight it out.

Stop projecting.

Of course you say that now. I have watched the dk guys stream, you guys do the same as everyone else.

dk guys stream? idk anyone that is streaming regularly atm, maybe back in the day before my time in bsg?

Of course he doesn’t stream really anymore because the truth has been exposed. Everything has been exposed. Sync “communities” are destroying the game and breaking the rules, either blizzard fixes this mess, and the game can get better or the keep allowing it to happen and you guys will just end up dodging each other all day.

And then you run to the forums when you lose to other sync queue premades, complaining about not having enough from your community and how it’s unfair, lol.

I might be misremembering, but I swear I’ve seen someone on here say the addon allows the lead to accept queues for everyone “in case they’re AFK”

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eh not rly, if deacon wants to yap tho i have np going at him; which is what happened the other day… the lag was the worst part about those games. im not coming to the forums crying after every loss, not like u and the anti-syncers do tho. i wonder how many threads were made in 2024 since they magically disappear

It would help you case if you didn’t try to talk down to everyone that doesn’t agree with your narrative. Maybe you should stick to your likeminded echo chamber.

nah leads cant accept queues for others. they can take the queue and the join battle button ungreys for the group though to prevent ppl from going in on accident

so u cant even name this dk? is this another lie of urs or something? show proof bud

lolwut, ive literally agreed w/ ppl on certain things and then i get shot down the minute they find out im from BSG. u stick to ur lil chamber too, maybe you’ll win a bgb match for once :wink:

Show proof of what exactly?

I don’t need an echo chamber. I clearly don’t play BgB’s much. I have also been higher rank then you so idk why you are trying to rating shame.

this dk ur talking about. u ask others for proof, where is urs bud?

ya ik, u cried about bgb early on then quit it, seems to be a trend for u… since when does calling u out for not winning a placement bgb match rating shaming? u got called out for that yesterday too btw, but u cant read an achievement tab.

Also, u brought rating up first btw, not sure why lol i just pointed out how u cant win a placement game, someone’s big mad

The arguments against sync queue premades have nothing to do with winning or losing, but about the fairness and integrity of the system. It’s another thing you guys are aware of, yet it’s ignored because it doesn’t fit the narrative.


Inemea? Or however you spell his name. Just look at his youtube. But what are you wanting proof of exactly?

What? You really love making stuff up don’t you.

Why does it matter? One player has no control over a bgb match. Yet I have still gotten higher ranking then you in all ranked modes.

You lied yesterday you mean. I can read achievements just fine. Your just upset you’re incorrect.

Where? I never even mentioned rating before you did.