Let's talk about the current Battleground situation

these communities have waited in queue 3 hours in order to speedrun wintergrasp in under 3 minutes. trust me the pugs will blink first, especially when you compare the number of solo epic players to the numbers in premades. i’d wager pugs are no more than 1/2 of the epic players at the most, probably closer to 1/3. a lot of people on forums and social media who talk about being solo players are often themselves running in premades and are just trying to get rival premades eliminated.

I agree—most solo players have either quit or been forced to join these communities. Those numbers will only keep declining, and when it’s nothing but premades left, what do you think happens then?


they come back 5 minutes later on new accounts.

Then they have to re-level and re-gear every time. Still a success.

i’d wager pugs are no more than 1/2 of the epic players at the most, probably closer to 1/3

Idk man, if I queue for an epic when it’s not primetime and hardly any premades are playing, I still get a game in a reasonable amount of time. And like I said before, one of the biggest reason people quit doing ebgs is because of the premades. If y’all went away, more of us would come back.


not from what i understand, but my point isn’t that a more draconian measure should me made, but that the system should be designed so that people don’t want to dodge. actual solutions to problems are often complex and nuanced where as people who profess the carrot and stick approach mostly just want to use the stick for the fun of using the stick.

people never did did epics in mass. this has always been a niche mode mostly made of people who want to do large groups in pvp.

not from what i understand

What does this mean? If you get banned and make a new account, you have to re-level (or boost), and regear. That takes time, every time. Hard to imagine people will keep trying to break the system if they implemented this. If the draconian measure works, take it.

people never did did epics in mass.

Sure, but until fairly recently, there’s been enough of us that more often than not, you got pug v pug in a reasonable amount of time. As a spot poll of one, I just queued for an ebg and got an pug v pug IOC within 5 minutes. I think there’s enough puggers that we’ll be just fine.


the concept of a draconian measure is a warning from history to not use them because they don’t work, its the reason we keep the word around.

Yeah, people definitely did it ‘in mass’ prior to it being restricted. Not sure when you started playing but this was a silly comment to make.


Well then, I guess that by definition, if it works, it wasn’t Draconian!


i switched to playing epics in 8.0 when they were split from the main queue, there was a short period where it was mostly solo queueing, but you had WGE and RUIN as early as 8.1 or 8.1.5 iirc, so premades have basically been part of the epic scene since they were made their own thing.

OP getting reported again. Good luck out there, may the 404


Man OP really hurt some feelings here tonight. Crazy that the premaders are all so scared of a fair fight.


It’s too late for them. It was on some big streamer’s stream this afternoon.


Which Streamer? I was wondering if someone would make a video out of it.


Venruki. He read the entire thing, and shared to his stream. He said he’s gunna upload it to youtube too.


I like Venruki cool guy. Canadian Cool.


Same. I hope him talking about it brings it more main stream and gets others talking about it.

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Hirav: It’s just chatting!


Here’s the Venruki vid today where he reads the article and the docs. He def agrees and gives the OP some credit for a good job putting it together. He does say he is going to post it to youtube and he says get the word out, so very nice,


The read along and comments starts at 5 hrs 18 min almost exactly.

I bet there is a way to link to the point eactly, but I don’t watch enough streamers. Dragging the time thingy on the video to the point works for me.


One of Torturekilla’s comments in the Reddit post mentions her not being able to post on the forums. You have to scroll all the way to the bottom of the post to see it, though. To save you some time, I’ll copy and paste her comment below:

I can’t comment on the forums until mid-Feb for some unknown reason that isn’t in my inbox…My community has stopped using CF as of today. Perhaps this will put an end to attempting to force your opposition to play you. They use the same damn add on on all the alliance communities. I know how to q without it. No big deal to me. Pretty sure I know who supplied the SS, we were nothing but nice to you. We drop q’s when we have under 15 pop. Three or more we take it depending on how many are queued. Even without CF we are still scouting. It changes nothing.


oh, now they stop using the addons they swore up and down they didn’t use LOL i really hope everyone abusing it get perma banned.