Let's talk about the current Battleground situation

Hard disagree. Premades ruin the game for everyone else involved. Whether they’re on your side or the other side, premade games are just BORING.

If you want premade drama, let them play each other. Leave the rest of us alone.


The add-on being banned won’t change anything.

Prior to these groups using add-ons they would just send in a scout to check in case there were any premades on the other side.

Blizzard should introduce a stacking debuff for groups of players that decline the match.


This so much. The add-on being banned will only push people back into doing things the old fashioned way, scouting.

Don’t expect this exact problem to be fixed if Blizzard ends up banning the add-on.

edit: Just want to make it clear, I do not support scouting or the add-on.


Let’s all keep a copy. If it’s mass reported and removed, we can have another player post it again.


i disagree even harder, the “pug meta” as someone said on reddit is to bypass the other team and have a PVE race in the bossroom after standing on noob hill for 3 minutes waiting on towers to cap.

premades play epics the way epics are meant to be played. these can turn into hour long knock out drag out PVP matches which come down to the last 10 or less resources on both teams, games so good you still remember them years later.

the pugs are the ones playing a boring match.


It’s something tangible that can be done though. Here and now. I’m just trying to get the information to people and Blizzard so that Blizzard can do something.


You’re describing an unrelated problem, one which I agree is important, but far less so than the problem of premades. Zerging is hardly universal, plenty of pugs play the games “as they were meant to be played.” And most importantly, if you do get stuck in a boring game where both teams just zerg, the game will end quickly, and you just can queue for another.

Premade games, meanwhile, are one-sided slogfests. They can last over an hour, and all you can do is wait to win or wait to lose, unless you want to take the deserter debuff. It’s barely even a game.

Maybe the premade groups have epic matches when they play each other, I guess I wouldn’t know. But when they play against a pug it’s just awful. Like I said, let them play each other and god bless. Leave the rest of us alone.

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It’s a mistake to think that there is an intended way to play the game.
If pugs gravitate towards a 2min boss rush game, then that is a balance issue with the battleground.


they generally do, a premade vs premade game is like getting a hit on the gambling aspect of the “random battleground” these are the games you want, but they can’t be every game. just like a slot machine players need to be presented with a jackpot only every so often. the randomness of the queue has created this effect in unrated pvp whether blizz intended this or not. the result is that hundreds of players are looking to get that one game where they come out on top with glory.

the problem is that these matches get ugly in drama and a few communities have decided to instead avoid probable losses. this would be bad enough on their own, but they also then go after split pops from rival communities and then act like a 40v6+pugs is a legit win over their rivals and then celebrate in their disc and talk :poop: on social media, this has caused everyone else to have to start cleaning up their queue pops (read drop splits) so they don’t leave a stray group to get slaughtered by bullies who won’t face that group’s main team.

im not sure how to solve the issue of some communities avoiding others without draconian measures that treat players childishly, but their fallout can be avoided by allowing premade communities to raid queue, this would let them avoid split pops meaning they don’t have to drop to keep their split players from being bullied. if that works then im sure blizz could look into increasing the penalty for dropping with less pushback from the playerbase.

100% this. You don’t see zerging in Korrak’s Revenge the way you do in regular AV because it’s balanced in a way that makes it much more difficult. Pls blizz, ctrl +c, ctrl + v.


Premades should join as a raid group and only be matched against other raid groups. People who abuse the solo or party queue systems to play with the pool of pug players should be banned. I’m not really an expert on what’s possible from a technical perspective, but that’s my solution.

EDIT: as an aside, the games I remember years later had no premades at all. Two pugs who managed to organize themselves, play the mechanics, and have exactly the kind of down-to-the-wire game you described. If you ask me, THAT is the epic bg experience as it was meant to be.


FYI, torturekilla is spreading lies in that Reddit post of yours. She goes by “Crematia”

I’m surprised she’s not posting here? Did she get suspended for mass reporting or something?


This is subject to change depending on how blizzard balances the bgs.

Remember in legion they made npc’s scale with players and every AV game was a drawn out battle.


i agree, but you have two main issues:

not everyone has a full 40

this means you need to allow solos or smaller groups to fill in gaps, directly isolating solos and premades just leads to long queues for both, a lot of people just want to be in a game

not everyone will agree to face other premades

i think those teams who don’t want to face other premades would just find a way to sync into the solo only bracket.

this is why i think raid queueing is the solution, it allows teams to have their group, if they still drop when they have no excuses then they are truly cowardly, but knowing you have everyone and its not a split should give teams more confidence to take the pop.


Let’s just ban anyone who has ever had CF-Details installed and used.
Anyone who used it. Banned.


A few thoughts:

this means you need to allow solos or smaller groups to fill in gaps, directly isolating solos and premades just leads to long queues for both, a lot of people just want to be in a game

I think more people would play the game if there weren’t premades to deal with. It’s the number one complain I see about epics on the forums or reddit. That will help with the queue time for pugs…and sorry but I don’t really care about the queue times for premades. Maybe the solution is a war-game type option where one raid can challenge another and no queue is needed. They can organize the schedule themselves and not need to wait at all.

i think those teams who don’t want to face other premades would just find a way to sync into the solo only bracket.

Then ban 'em. The premade groups are no secret, everyone knows who they are. If a premade group tries to cheat the system, they should be banned.


Go grab 9 of your “good friends” and do RBGs? Seems like the easy way to not grief everyone and still ‘play the way its meant to be played’. Or just keep coordinating GY farms of pugs because it’s the way its meant to be played :woman_shrugging:


they come back 5 minutes later on new accounts.

RBGs are not Epics.

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No, premade queues would die, and the solo queue would thrive. These communities rely on pugs to farm, and without them, they’d collapse overnight.


also, clearing a graveyard isn’t farming it.