Let's talk about the current Battleground situation

I’ve got a ton of alts floating between Tich/Korgath. I pop around out for “WPvP” when I’m doing the weekly but that’s about it. :woman_shrugging:

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No, we would just lose the exploiters and lots of people that stopped playing because of them would come back. Exploiters are the ones that can’t hack playing real pvp.

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I don’t see where Community Flare enhances the game play like other addons do, all it does is help the raid leader build a raid and find the best queue to queue to play an EBG, and the BG… There is absolutely no game play enhancements that I can find that we don’t already have in another addon some place else.

I don’t think you understand about the pvp, you’re hoping that oh now that it is fair because there is no addon to sync and queue to a run, everything will be our team is a pug and your team is a pug, that’s not true there are people that are in the premade that can play the game far better than you and I. it’s not all about this addon, its also about what other addon’s exist in the game that people use.

“To make is fairer for all in the world of warcraft, blizzard should disable all addon’s for a week and you can again see what it was like in the 2004 release of WoW back in my beginning days in this game.” Classic is nothing, it is only the old way with the new addons you can already get, those ADDON’S didn’t exist when I came here in the beginning.

I don’t think you’ll find anything different after you remove the addon called Community Flare, but when all of a sudden the queue times slow down, and the pug teams become less and less experienced losing every game all the time, who are you going to blame then??? 50% of the pug problem lies in the fact no one wants to lead them anymore because the people playing them just decided to hop in and play with no reading of anything.

There is no time in the 2 minutes before the game starts to explain to that person how this BG anything works. I feel bad for them, but maybe it’s the best way to learn?

I think premade helps the game, for instance my last point, when you get into an alliance premade they play pugs all the time looking for members and at the beginning or end they drop info about how to contact them to join their crusade in wow.

You never hear people who won with the pug premade leader, complain that we hate you never come back and do this again, instead they say, Wow cool, thank you , great leader great game… <----- Now, who is winning again?

The fact that you think this is about winning and losing says everything anyone needs to know about you and your weak argument for exploiting the queue system.


It’s wild you guys are still trying to lie about this. It’s not surprising though.

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At this point I think we need to start organizing boycott days or something. They have not listened for so long I feel like without some real noise it just won’t make a difference.

At the very least bringing back a tiny bit of conversation on it would go a long way. If Blizzard would just make a few posts in the pvp section it would go a long way. less than 1 post a year is pretty crazy.


Total BS. It is designed to get around the queue limit. It should be banned.

“Community Flare is a project dedicated to making life easier to be able to sync up and play Battlegrounds with your friends easier.”

Sync up is an exploit it should be bannable


Im so tired of playing against OP players with OP gear its not even fun , fair , or a challenge. They are worse than actual bosses in 5m instance.

I’ve had the displeasure of being thrown into a group of exploiters and I said “OY, A WILD GROUP OF EXPLOITERS” and then sat back as they throw out ‘strats’ of camping chokes and GYs. R1 gameplay for sure, no idea how most of these guilds are full of < 1600 players :woman_shrugging:


You are so completely and totally full of it. If you can’t handle playing randoms without using add ons to put together premades you are the one who can’t hack it. You are a cheater.


Is it really cheating when the ref isn’t watching or gave up completely on the sport? Premades own the scene we are better in every way

Why don’t you look at the code and see for yourself that the addon just gets a team in to an EBG or BG, along with other tweaks such as using it for rated, the Hidden file someone is talking about is something the raid leader has control over and who can see it. It’s the configuration file, one probably doesn’t want everyone making changes to the configuration files.

I am not here to argue whether this is good or bad for the game, I am here to say the addon does not change or give anyone in a BG or EBG any extra exploiting power to advance in the game. You are blaming me for looking at the code and explaining the addon never mind keep arguing like children, I just explained what the addon does sir or mam OK???

Agree because the terms of service do not allow you to put personal data including names on the forum of people that did not give you permission to use. The US constitution unfortunately does not apply here as free speech. The forum is private based, and you get access to it paying for your game subscription. They can make rules to prevent you from posting that here.

You can send the log to blizzard for evaluate a situation that is OK but posting it here is not a wise thing. I have been knocked off the forum for saying bad things.

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Yes. Do you really think morality only exist if punishment is possible for breaking a rule? You are highlighting how badly the integrity of people who do this has fallen off a cliff.


what is the addon and what problem does it cause? the post is deleted i am curious thoughever

You’re right about one thing, we ARE merry.


Nah you’re at the bottom of the ocean lol. Your leader cheats so badly she can’t even post here anymore. Maybe if you took your pops we wouldn’t be in “the current Battleground situation” :surfing_man: :surfing_man:

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Dang guys. Woke up feeling like death. Went to urgent care. Got flu A AND Covid at the same time. RIP Me. Im about to get sent to the maw.


Nyquil it up, hydrate, eat what you can and rest. If you lost your sense of smell, grab a bottle of vodka! May as well have fun

No they don’t. You all queue dodge each other lmao nice try.