Lets talk about... Maintenance 18 hours after extended maintenance

Next up on our banner, is going to be “We will be performing scheduled maintenance on Thursday, 26 September 2024 starting at 7:00 AM PDT and we expect the service to be available again at approximately 8:00 AM PDT”

But don’t worry, it won’t hit the banner until you see the 15 minute countdown happening in game.


I think you and I have a very different idea of what a “finished product” is.

MMOs can’t be complete, they’re continuous. Completion is not the term I’m going for here. If they need to down the servers to continue developing, fine tuning, fixing and adjusting the expansion that they were in the development of for 2 years, then you can’t say it’s developed. Hence it’s not finished. Not a “finished product”.

It truly shows the difference between this new crew and the old.

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I wish it was boomer code but no it was outsourced code.

That was jsut one of the instances of the issues i have seen. The horrors i have seen from “modern” coders is disgusting.
I have seen in variable declaration were they literally run a loop to increment a value up to 10. They set it to 0, then loop it to go up to ten, and thats it.

The concept of Big O, and N and N^2 operation time is a lost concept on modern programmers, no one writes code to be efficient anymore, they just write it to work.

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Do you work around a lot of JS people by chance? I will give you front end has gone to dog water and the san fran techies obsessed with the newest js library are hot garbage.

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A bit of front end, mostly back in stuff that runs servers and Databases.

Lots of SQL operations and such. Front end yes everyone is using the newest hottest JS library and 90% of them just over complicate things that only make sense to the person who made it.

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Well, I can tell you the disappearing items hasn’t been fixed. Listed arcane crystals and 1400+ thorium ore on the AH before servers went down. Crystals still there, no sign of my ore.
Edit: After opening a ticket and a couple restarts gold showed up in my mailbox. I dunno if it was just a bug, usually can see pending gold on sold items in the auctions list with timer.

On one hand I appreciate they are being more “proactive” and correcting problems.

On the other hand, I’m frustrated that they’ve basically turned us into the “test group” since they don’t effectively test everything anymore like they use to and thus spaghetti code is broken often and requires unscheduled scheduled fixes.

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The constant on the fly adjustments to content concerns me. Over the course of a week we saw Delves, for example, get adjusted nearly every day from too easy grouped to impossible while solo and then to soloable and a waste of time for a group.

What’s real?

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Who knows anymore what the actual intention is.

They are aiming to please different types of players but manage to frustrate the other types at the exact same time AND THEN renag on a change to make it easier or make it harder… shrugs

You’d think for millions of dollars too they could do this work in the middle of the night.

I don’t care when they do it, so long as I’m asleep and not wanting to play at that time. Anything else is unacceptable.

Go read the TOS.

Alright, then what? Reading the TOS doesn’t magically make people less annoyed that the game they pay for is down, regardless that read a document saying there are maintenance windows.

“There will be weekly maintenance” - Ah wow, I feel so much better and feel like this multibillion dollar company is doing a good job keeping their 20 year old game running.

Also this is more about the extended maintenance. What amount of downtime would it take for you to not be satisfied with your own “read the TOS” advice? Let’s say its down an entire day every week, during your prime raid day. Does re-reading the TOS to yourself make you feel any better?


That seems like a bad day to schedule a raid, if it’s down all day on that day every week.

You can quit and leave if it’s that big an inconveince to you

Tbh the expansion was rushed so it’s not really surprising, I agree it’s unfortunate but it is what it is.

I just want to stay logged on PLEASE… oops here I go ag

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Where should I send your shiny quarter? Give me your address and I will mail you a whole quarter. NO JOKE!

I’m sure you can extract my intention of the hypothetical.

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