Lets talk about... Maintenance 18 hours after extended maintenance

Every black lighted a key board ZOIKS. Blehck. Barfs in mouth.

Then why are you still subbed/playing WoW if you don’t want it? By being subbed you agree to everything that’s goes on with maintenance, scheduled or unscheduled.

Apples to orangutans comparison.

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Most likely it’s to “fix” some mythic issue for world first crap…

Shut the whole service down so 50-100 groups of full-timers can’t cheat or something…


*causing for their customers.

I figured 7am PDT is always maintenance time… sometimes we simply get lucky and dont have any

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It’s annoying to deal with an internet service provider having outages. The servers being down is literally a deliberate “outage”. One they do a lot.

Just curious what you find so different here?


I think the majority of the people saying it’s just an hour here or there, just go touch grass, are people who can play the game whenever they want, - all day even.

Many of their customers have jobs and kids. Some people only get a handful of hours a week to play. Yeah, you might be able to “go get a cup of coffee, and come back in an hour”, but Mom might have lost her chance to play at all today, while the kids were napping.


Right…I mean, you’ve pretty much just answered your previous statement. It’s never finished, old or new existing issues in any video game. How they prioritize them is up to the company for the best interest for the game, from severe to the less sever that can be fixed later down the road.

Hi, yes, it’s me. I have a schedule around my baby’s schedule and these extended/extra maintenances happen to land riiiight in the middle of most of my dailt play time. Feels good man.


No, this is the new thing in DevOps. They call it the charlie testing cycle. In November we will be doing the Delta testing cycle.

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Hey don’t project on all of us like that! My game station is spotless.

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Because I haven’t found the right 12 step program yet.

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servers up

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Nerub-ar Palace
Queen Ansurek
3% HP
I just want Aotc.

Wait, I got this. YOUR MOM IS UP. Thanks buddy.

I’ve noticed these threads are no longer brigaded by Blizz shills.

It used to be that the OP would get 10 likes and the first comment saying “lol you new here?” would get 50+. Not it’s the exact opposite.

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I am the Mom

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I was put on a schedule once…
I quit.

But a game being trash(guessing content wise) doesn’t equate to needing more maintenance. 2 very different reason. Some do complain about the bugs and stuff but you can’t know if it’s those same people complaining about maintenance unless you are stalking everyone’s threads to fact check.