Lets talk about... Maintenance 18 hours after extended maintenance

Oh nice so you do it for free lol

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do you guys any one knows when this fking “scheduled” maintainence over? did it noticed scheduled time point this time?

This is me, and I haven’t been able to play in any meaningful way in going on 2 months now. ;_;

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Problem is with video games, is unforeseen issues can crop up from implementing one thing or another, & the more complex any system becomes, the more chances there are for things to go wrong.

They should schedule it during the early morning hours, like around 1 am or so. Heaven forbid they would have to get up any earlier…

Gosh knows they have a boatload of bugs to fix, IF they EVER fix them.


I’d love to know what exactly they’re doing during all these downtimes.

Are they nitpicks? Major fixes? Bug fixes? Stealth nerfs? Creating new bugs? Adjusting Class tuning without telling anyone? I’m just curious.

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The amount of “touch grass” comments always surprises me, like you enjoy getting screwed over.

Let’s say your car broke down every week when you are trying to go to work and eventually you get annoyed and complain to the dealership and they’re like ‘well, just take a bike and get some exercise, you could use it!’

Bottom line is we pay a monthly subscription + the base game/expansions. We’re paying for a service, to play a game, and it seems at increasing frequency, it’s down and not working.

There is nothing more too it than that. Applied to any other product or industry, you would sound like a complete buffoon.


Or yanno, they could release a somewhat finished product.


And, as the game’s creators collect greater revenue over time, they are able to meet the greater need with greater resources and even provide more reliable service over time.

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Exactly, I hardly play the game anymore due to work and other real-world obligations, and when I want to play a game, I pay monthly to play, I should be able to.


It’s worse when it’s winter.

The hell am I gonna do out there? It’s cold. And who wants to touch snow with their bare fingers?


I miss the original maintenance days where you expected it almost every Tuesday. Now it seems as it’s happening every other day. I also get extended down time outside of maintenance due to playing on A52 and it crashing every week at random, I guess shame on me for playing on a server for a long time and it growing to a full pop server.

I understand fixing your game, I do but a multi billion dollar company such as Blizzard having issues like they do… not to mention also owned by Activision Microsoft, which I threw up in my mouth when they bought out Blizzard because I hate their unfinished crap content they push out.

It seems as if all these major gaming companies love feeding us a bowl of unfinished crap and want us to pay for it.

This is not dictated at TWW, I actually enjoy it but it gets tiring with all the nonsense as of late.


Maintenance is part of the product. When you buy into it you are knowingly buying into something they tell you ahead of time can and will happen and yet here you all are whining and crying about it but when stuff is broke it’s fiX yOuR GaMe!

Take two seconds and think about why that may be dumb…I mean, Boredumb, its in your name.

Please. Take two seconds. Just think about it. I know it seems to make sense on a surface level, and thats why you said it, but come on…if theyre “scheduling” multiple days of maintenance in a row, but don’t say anything till like literally right before, that aint really scheduled my dude.

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Hey dawg: I heard you like Maintenance. SO I got you more Maintenance on top of extended maintenance.


meh idc but i do have to say its sad. company over 20yrs old and they cant keep it together.

not only that, how abt tell us wth u guys are doing? like why do u need to take the game down?
no reason for ppl finding these “stealth” nerfs, fixes bugs and crap.

the non existent communication is whats annoying but im use to it over at classic lol

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How about about they get their stuff together? These sort of comments about “Go outside and touch grass” are just deflecting the actual issues.


Sadly, we’ll never know. Blizzard really doesn’t like communicating its changes. Multi-billion dollar company can’t even match what an indie developer can do with extensive change/patch notes covering every little change.

At this point, every thing they hide I believe is because they’re scared of the response should they have openly stated it. Like if they stated they did it intentionally, when the blowback hits hard, they can’t do the thing of "Oops, it was a “bug” that took us a “while” to rollback… wait I mean… “fix.”

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The forums something to do since people come here while maintenance is happening.

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The issue is it’s an online game that required regular AND unscheduled maintenance to operate. You and everyone else here is well aware of how this all works. Whining about you owe me game time is stupid, they owe you nothing.