Who else is trying to pug this AOTC and having a hard time finding consistent groups that can move past P1 and P2 with everyone alive? As a tank I have a pretty important job in positioning the boss in P1 and moving but I am at the mercy of so many other folks and a single mistake is a wipe. It’s been rough, I now have 3 toons at 7/8 H and about 50 pulls on queen (which I am aware isnt a lot) but most of the time is spent forming a somewhat decent group, then seeing it dissolve after 5 or so pulls.
The first 4 bosses were probably too easy, the next 3 were just right imo but Queen is something else… normally Id get aotc this week or next week but at this rate idk…
I don’t see it as that much different from early pugs learning Heroic Sarkareth, primarily training the ranged to not troll the raid with bad fire bomb placement in P1. It’s not a bad thing if it’s a hard fight to pug; players used to doing so will either learn or continue to fail. It sucks for the others in the groups with them, but I’ve heard the fight otherwise feels pretty well-tuned for an end boss on Heroic. (And to be fair for comparison’s sake, Sark and Fyrakk both were probably a little on the easier side for their raids.)
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Blizz hates healers this season. The last 4 bosses have groups consistently grabbing an extra healer because the healing requirements are too ridiculous, especially on Court. Unfortunately, they won’t nerf it and will use the Severed Strands buff (which won’t even kick in for a few more weeks) as a lazy excuse to keep stuff overtuned
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I keep seeing people mention this severed strands thing, just found a wowhead ‘article’ about it but still not sure how it works? Is it just a buff that everyone gets every week or I we have to turn in some items??
It gives a stacking 3% buff every week, but it won’t start until some time around 11.0.5 it seems. So it’s pretty much worthless
I feel your pain. I spend around 2 hours forming a group that breaks up after 2 to 3 pulls. I can’t get past p1 and I’m 38 pulls in. I am prepared for potential failed AOTC this season. I had few of those, but this boss takes the cake.
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Bliss’s “solution” to this is to just set pugs (healers especially) suffer until Severed Strands reaches max stacks towards the end of the season
I don’t think ilvl matters for this boss. I mean ilvl 610 and ilvl 615 both wipe within 3 min the same, and I think ilvl 625 will wipe the same. I haven’t seen P2 or P3 so can’t comment on that, but P1 is a total disaster from what I’ve seen.
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I agree with ya, the reason why I dont see myself getting aotc this week or next week is precisely because I think ilvl has very little effect (heroic groups between 610 and 619) people are already at an ilvl where the dps from gear clears the bar. Yet so few pulls reach P3
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I plugged her once. Only needed the trinket off her and I got the normal version. Hoping heroic shows up in vault so I never have to put her again. Stage one is aids especially without discord.
Court has like nothing to heal.
I guess I just hallucinated like half of the group consistently dropping dead after the first web cast on P3
If people are full or close to, some healer uses a healing cooldown and all is well.
I was at 38 pulls and now I’m 61 pulls. From my chair there is no chance in hell at getting past p1. No matter what I do it’s just not gonna happen. I’m gonna give them until next Tuesday that’s 9 days from now if there is nothing done to this “Incomplete Work” so players at my level have an OK chance at it, I am DONE. You can have it and I don’t mind at all losing the money I paid for a yearly sub I really don’t.
I know this is music to the ears of some back there who are afraid they may get canned, but if you are gonna get canned it’s because there is no “happy medium” with you guys. Bosses are either easy or jacked up insanely hard. You should try the middle sometimes it’s quite nice. It’s because you submit incomplete work and wonder why the big boss is unhappy. You don’t have the touch buddy. All the good minds moved on years ago and what’s left is….well this.
Let’s see if anything happens in 9 days, if not I’m sure GW2 will welcome me with open arms. Enjoy.
I mean its still at beginning of the season. Puging aotc should be a thing for end of season.
You’re right I don’t expect an AOTC by week 4, but I do expect to be able to get it by week 7 or 8 and between now and then to be able and have some sort of progression. As is there is a zero progression with a zero chance at defeating the boss. ZERO. All I’m asking is the ability to have some sort of progression and a none zero chance (no matter how small) to defeat the boss.
Do it on a Tuesday. invite the good players.
I tried getting players on Wednesday and I always get players who are 7/8 H or better. It didn’t help. I tried ilvl 610’s and ilvl 615’s there was no difference. I tried 2 5 13, 2 4 14, 2 5 15 combos and still no difference. Ilvl here means nothing. You could have our raid ilvl somehow 630 and still it won’t make a dent in it. I’m just asking for a none zero chance shot at it and be able to actually do some sort of progression.
As is we keep dying in p1 3 min in sometimes less and sometimes in the same spot. Talk about dejavu. That is not fair.
you’re doing the same thing you do every tier: Invite better players and hope they carry you.
If joining a guild is off the table for some reason my advice would be to try and 10 man it. Pug groups have the leaver’s effect where you make progress but everyone wants their kill in 5 pulls or less so you end up being perma stuck on phase 1 of the fight and the only real solution is to make the group as small as possible.