Lets speculate: most fun 3 man multibox for classic?

I multiboxed 3 ele shamans and it was very fun. It was like piloting a very large boat. If done right, you should have one “main” shaman and two “alts” shamans, and be able to control them simultaneously not to replicate everything your main does, but obey its commands. For instance, I could ask them to heal X Y or Z seperately, but also burst the same target.

Going to multi class multibox Warrior-Druid considering adding a third myself. Was thinking of mage for food.

Multiboxing should be banned.

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As far as multiples of the same class, shammies are the best.
And almost stay that way till totems are removed.
Totems stack, providing passive healing and persistent fire damage

In classic it would be a toss up between 3 mages and 3 shammies.

If you can mouse cast, you can direct aoe for the mages as well. Aside from @target (party member).

For dungeons you usually want something that can control the mobs and not die when sneezed on.
Of course you now need something to wipe the mucas off the tank and shine it’s armor.

Locks are neat, but you will fight over soulshards.
Hunters are neat, but pet management and ammo is annoying and expensive.
Priests are ok, but soft

Melee suck to box, one in the lead works fine though.


Shammies, cause totems


Mages cause mages1

If you are not replicating classes and want a challenge of sorts.
Any team should follow the typical Trinity of tank, healer, dps.
A focus on aoe and natural high dps is logical no?

I had talks with people about this in wrath.
Most of the concept spun around the tank class with it changing between warrior and paladin.
Pallies have consecrate
Warriors have a dr CD and potential high damage.

For control a paladin.
For speed a warrior.

A druid is the midway, and can not do what the other are relied on to do.

Why? Curious why would want it to be banned? How come someone paying for multiple services is a problem for you?

But its not against the terms of service nor is it cheating…

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Wrong about first part, second is subjective. In my opinion, it is.

Lazy binary argument.

At least throw in a smiley face to show your tone.:smirk:

Show me in the TOS that says I cant have more then one account and cant play them at the same time…go ahead I will wait.

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Instead of waiting, you could have done a search yourself, for hacks, bots, or third party programs.

I never once said anything about hacks, bots, or third party programs. that is not multi-boxing …You dont need them to multi box…SO I say again it is not against the ToS and it is not cheating…

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You’re taking what I’ve said out of context, despite a prior post already clarifying. Let me RE-clarify, hopefully to the point of being stupid proof:
-Running more than 1 copy of the game at once: Fine
-Running third party programs to sync, automate, or play for you: Not fine

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You’re conflating multi-boxing with multi-botting.
They are not the same.


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I did it back in classic with 3 night elf hunters. Shadowmeld them all in a BG, when someone came within range, 3x aimed shot from shadowmeld killed them instantly and I went back into shadowmeld. Quite amusing. Was also fun to have 3 stealth pets and stay in shadowmeld and mess with clothies with your three fast attack pets.


If you want smooth leveling. Shaman. 3 shams can insta kill just about everything. If you have all three of you earth shock and just auto attack stronger mobs you shouldnt ever go oom.

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Man! Hes so cool guys!

Everyone look how cool this guy is!

Might as well be that kid borrowing his moms credit card as far as others seeing you in the game.

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I wouldn’t bring randos into your group, too many mb haters. Unless you told everyone upfront before inviting them I guess? Anyways I’m also only mbing 3 accounts and I’m having 0 randos in my group. Doing a stealth team that should be able to kill all or almost all 5 man dungeon bosses. Probably can’t do strat live last boss for example, not sure. Combat rogue + 2 x Hotw druids.

As for beta, almost no one got access to more than 1 account. So testing mb was rare or didn’t happen. /follow is disabled in BG’s if you care about pvp. Personally I’m just playing a single char (rogue) in pvp.

Answer is ganking…
People who multi box and go around ganking makes it less fun for other players.

same could be said of solo players and groups of players who go around ganking. ganking isnt bannable.:joy:

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yes ganking is not ban-able… imagine you’re questing, in your downtime, you had a rough day at work, and there comes a player multi-boxing 5 accounts from opposite faction, and gank you, and doesn’t leave you… everytime you rez… he’s back to killing you… how frustrated would you be?.. to the point of logging off? maybe you give it some time and come bakc later… maybe you decide the hassle is not worth it… maybe you’re like me, and decide to leave a game for a few months, and come back later, maybe you’re like my friend matt, who just decided it wasn’t worth the effort, to just get ganked…

the multi boxing needs to go.