Let's scream until they hear us

reposted it here, go to main topic and make some noise !
they always say: “we hear you”…
i think we need to scream louder :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


why are you posting on a alt dh and not on your main mafic?

shout, shout, let it all out


They won’t listen, they clearly don’t understand the class and we can see this by looking at some talents in the skill tree.
Especially in pvp, the classes are poor in development, apart from the invisibility bug and invisibility breaking due to the touch of the grave proc that they don’t bother to resolve


Stealth bugs, slice and dice, acro nerf, and BtE bugs
These are the things I can do without

…come on :musical_note:


You are a valued member of the WoW community.

But you did it wrong.

Female surfers always come first before male surfers.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


So… Shamans got their Blue notes…
And we got some number tuning and small crums. But no Blue notes…
I’m just amazed how they ignore Rogues feedback for many years.
Rogue is least played class and it has been on decline for a long time.
How they cannot see how bad is their vision of Rogue design ? :clown_face:
Legion design was so smooth… And since BfA it went to ****. :sob:
This is just miserable. :tired_face:


I dunno, I’m as irritated as anybody about to the degree to which vanish has morphed into a dps CD, but I don’t think deleting stealth requirements is necessarily the answer.

But I’ve mostly played sub this expansion.


They reworked rogue literally 1 season ago and the majority of the players liked the rework. And that rework was based on many ideas from feedback forums + the rogue discord.

So like where are you getting the facts that theyve been ignoring player feedback for years…are you trying to say they ignore what YOU want for years?

many such cases, its impossible to make everyone happy so theres obviously gonna be people who rage and froth saying “the rework ignored alllll feedback” when its only just their “make outlaw combat again and make dispatch kill the bosse and get me leveles beyond level cap” feedback is ignored

yea that’s true :slight_smile: but Shadow Dance just doesn’t feel right on Assa and Outlaw… also, dps stealth mechanics doesn’t feel right without Shadow Dance :slight_smile:

THAT is the problem :upside_down_face:
It took them many many years to (temporarily) fix Assassinations worst mechanics that doesn’t suit M+ playstyle…
just look at the CORE problem !
if you need Shadow Dance to fix Assa in M+… then stealth related mechanics are the problem… and those mechanics are still in game… and people don’t like it… and that’s why i say they don’t listen :slightly_smiling_face:
it’s simple


why are you making me look like that ?
cmon dude…
go read feedback from many people in TWW beta Rogue forum thread.

another Edit:
as you would say…: skill issue

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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there are so many ways to fix the indiscriminate carnage issues, or at least mitigate them
they could make garrote and rupture cleave 1 extra target, or 2 extra targets from stealth. helps a bit, but keeps the idea alive
they could make CT have a chance to spread them from the primary target. something like "if the target is affected by both garrote and rupture, crimson tempest spreads garrote and rupture to 5 (or 8) nearby enemies, at 25% duration

or just give up on assa aoe altogether, double down on making it the definitive ST spec, and that will be that. there’s no shame in it.


yea, only good fix for current Indiscriminate Carnage is Shadow Dance… other fixes requires any rework that in NOT related to stealth… and that’s it.
i’m just repeating myself