Class Developers / Design

This is the Blizzard’s biggest problem in TWW now.

  • There is clearly not enough people dedicated to class design and only very few people know what to do with specific classes.
    Dev team needs people that are focused on specific class, it is clear that this is not the case at the moment and last few expansions.
  • Lack of communication (again… only specific classes gets Dev’s notes and attention) :zipper_mouth_face:
  • Button Bloat
  • Imbalanced Talent trees - some talent trees makes you good at everything, meanwhile other classes/specs can focus only on one thing (single target or AoE) !!! WHY ?! :roll_eyes:

Shaman and Rogue classes (+some other specs) are complete mess and we already have Raid testing, meanwhile pre-patch is behind the corner. Time is ticking Blizz !

I’m rogue main and i see this every expansion… we get weird spells (Shadowlands for example), very small amount of impactful QoL changes. (it’s frustrating watching other classes getting cool stuff full of QoL meanwhile rogue gets the biggest pile of trash)
We get the lowest quality stuff and at the end of beta testing, so there is no room for improvements or bug fixing.
Rogue community is very disappointed and furious about all of this.

Questions for Devs:

  1. Why does Rogue have AoE mechanics bound to Stealth, when this concept does NOT work in modern gameplay (M+) for many many years !?!? ;
  2. Why am i being punished for gameplay you intended (M+ chain-pulling) !? ;

This mechanics is complete nonsence punishment !!!
DELETE stealth requiremens, it’s the worst mechanics that can exist in M+ !
Answer ! Communicate PLEASE ! Hello ? is anyone there ? Blizz ? :woozy_face:
All of this makes me not want to play the game… feels like getting kicked into balls.

Give us meaningfull QoL rework that makes our class fun to play ! and not this punishing trash.

sorry for my eng… i am from EU (I’m writing here because EU forum is dead)
:fire: :fire: #MakeRogueGreatAgain :us: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


skill issue.


My only real complaint with the rogue rework was how prominent it made shadow dnce for every spec, besides that it’s been fine.

They already fixed this by merging some spells or removing some in TWW, since this is a TWW why wouldn’t you already know this?

Every class got work every single week since alpha? are you trolling or what?

The only spec waiting some work is shamans now.

Every class is different, that’s why.


yea, they deleted my main CD for AoE and totaly broke that spec for M+ and AoE content LOL
that’s is the only major change :shushing_face:

Fake news, you are the one who is trolling.

yea every class is different (fantasy), you are right in this one… but what does it have to do with balance ? :smiley:
Blizz is trying to make work this philosophy: ,Bring the player not the Class"
but it’s not gonna ever work if there is imbalance like this for example:
Fire Mage does giga AoE and Single target dmg with one talent build,
Assa Rogue have to choose between AoE or Single… (cannot do both like Fire Mage)
and that is the problem :upside_down_face:

Warlock player… you have no idea what you are talking about… Killjoy… isn’t that Valorant agent ? go play Valorant :clown_face:

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


This is how meta is created, 3-5 classes have insane trees, devs only post about those classes and do the fixes, changes while other classes rot in the dirt. Not for first time and not the last.
But for now if you want a good dps class you play a damn mage

I didn’t read the full of OP’s post but I agree that it feels like classes are starting to feel neglected. Even SL had more rounded out classes than DF and DF’s primary goal was to bring back talent trees. Unfortunately, the trees were just another lazy addition built on hype.

It really does feel like we’ve lost passionate game designers to lead our class designs. And sadly, it only seems to be getting worse.


skeleton crews tend to underperform.


too many interns


Rogues never had a CD focused on AoE
Crimson Tempest / Black Powder / Blade Fury still exist just fine

Fire Mage does :poop: outside of CDs. Fire Mages in PuG groups are not all that great. You need tanks that know how to pull for Fire Mages. You don’t know what you’re talking about.

You want a good middle ground for both AoE and ST:


There ya go.

maybee… Shadow Dance ?!
it’s mandatory for Assa in AoE content because how badly it is designed around stealth mechanics

did you miss ?

i didn’t mean it exactly… it was just fictive example
no need to talk about how Fire mage works :slight_smile:

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This isnt a CD, nor was it attached to Assassination until DF. Try again

Examples are meant to reinforce your point. Making things up to prove a point is a very bad arguing tactic and very dismissive and again, shows you have no clue what you’re talking about.

So ill parrot:

it’s 1min. CD… what you mean ? and yea… DF is only expansion that gave assa something to be finally good in M+.
Assa sufferd for many years without SD

wdym, it’s not like that everytime…
Example is just there to prove the POINT… and you can use fictive stuff…

getting tired of this… explaing something that people don’t understand… cya in ignore list
:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Lol ignoring people for correcting you and explaining how things are? Lol okay then

But shadowdance is a CD…

Currently, to do AoE in M+ as assassination, you need to maximize your Indiscriminate Carnage windows. You gain ID by gaining stealth, so that your empowered garrotes and rupture can apply to mutliple targets.

Shadowdance is currently used to gain a stealth window every minute in order to activate Indiscriminate Carnage.

Going forward, shadowdance is no longer available to assassination. Instead we gain another charge of vanish if we commit a capstone for it.

Vanish is a 2 minute CD. Even with an extra charge that gives us the ability to mimick shadowdance (1 use every minute) for 4 minutes. After that, our ability to gain Indiscriminate Carnage windows goes from every 1 minutes to every 2 minutes.

Does no one else see the issue here?

In the DF rework, rogues were changed to have stealth be a much more integral part of the rotation (for the worse, btw). Going into TWW, 2 specs have lost thier ability to gain stealth windows reliably, but are still expected to use stealth windows for damage. All while the proposed change (2nd charge of Vanish) is a net negative compared to DF.

Might not be a big issue for you, but for rogues its just another beta of head-scratching changes.


this is the kind of people posting complaints on forums. You see why 99% forum feedback are a joke.

serious krill issue

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No. Even with chain pulling theres enough resets to not have to use Shadow Dance or Vanish on CD.

They’re integral part for boss fights when you do not get battle resets to invis.

But even in AoE, Caustic Splatter is doing more damage than empowered Garrotes.

I do understand stealthed garrotes are an integral part of AoE, but a single stealth window is enough to handle most trash packs (theyre not really surviving for longer than 30 seconds).

Between vanish, shadow dance, and battle resets, you should have enough stealth windows for every encounter. Popping Shadow Dance or Vanish at the end of a pack thats only going to live for another 10 seconds is misuse of CD management and a DPS loss.

PS, in case you didnt know, so long as you dont interact with the chain pulled mobs, you drop combat and can restealth without burning your 2 abilities to do so.

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Not enough rogue players knows this before complaining about chain pulling and spiteful.

It shows