Lets Revisit Why There is a Black Lotus Problem

That fix some of the issue but they just make flasks so not a big deal. It might cut into some botting but flask recipes not that rare

I like this

In vanilla when lotuses spawned in Av youd usually have 1 or 2 games that would sometimes last literally days… so 5 lotus per wasnt REALLY a big deal. Entirely not the case when your average AV game last 30 minutes. You’re talking about thousands more Lotus in the economy.

Plus you’ll inevitably end up with a ton of people who join AV, run to the node spawns then immediately Afk out. You’ll end up with a bunch of half empty AVs. If you think Bots and Afkers in AV are bad now…

Dude, give up.

He went to college, don’tcha know?

No we don’t. Classic launched with only 13 servers. Vanilla had way more. Server pops are higher now for sure. But overall pop is probably nowhere close. By the time TBC launched wow was around 8 million. I’d bet my next paycheck classic doesn’t have 8 million active players

you do realize 1.5 AV would change exactly nothing with the current AV meta right?

months of black lotus posts with not even a mention of potential fix, ive accepting they arent going to do anything about it.

Too many people per server. Done.

1.12 AV isn’t what anyone asked for. So your attempt to use #nochanges is a failure.

People wanted early AV with the NPCs and mine fields etc. Not this nerfed AV. So yes, all the nodes etc should come back.

I really don’t get how the shortage of Black Lotus is such a big deal. Flasks are not needed at all.

My guild had all the content available on farm shortly after release and I dare to say most of us have never used a flask or even had a Black Lotus in the bags for that matter. I can only think of 3-4 people who use them, but these guys play 24/7 and enjoy try-harding logs (nothing wrong with that).

Guilds have been making a mockery out of MC and BWL since release. Trust me, AQ and Naxx are not going to be any different.

Is true, cannot match the wit of a community college degree - am just a lowly teen.

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Their test client probably had the current AV version on and not the previous iteration. Restoring the actual AV with guards and nodes would have been more work than to just copy paste the test client version into their spagethi code classic abomination client.

I came into this thread ready to laugh off your suggestion but after reading this and imagining how fun old AV could be it’s really changed my perspective I agree with OP!

Maybe that’s what YOU wanted. That’s not the same thing mijo

Imagine how fast Horde queues for AV would be if they knew they could get more Black Lotus by ending the game quickly and getting into a new game where the herb is already spawned.

200% false.

Theres a heap of reasons why lotus is the price it is, and you’ve only stated one reason that fits your agenda.

Oh darling, there’s a huge thread of people asking for older AV and not 1.12 AV. Reverting AV back or letting lotus spawn in it wouldn’t break anything. No changers cannot argue this because it doesn’t go against #nochanges.

Bump. Fix lotuses