Lets redo the male night elf model

male night elves aka the hunchback elves

Agreed. Nelf and humans have horribly oversized features. Thought they would fix it with the new models. It’s not an element that needed to stay.

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Does this not scream perfection?

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I remember when the Night elf male model was rushed out near the release of WoD. I actually made a post at some point that was like, “I’m sure this is just a place holder. They’ll work on it during WoD and bring it up to speed with the other ones.”



honestly my biggest issue with the male night elf model is their idle animation. i don’t get why they sway back and forth like an awkward teenager


My biggest issue is the spell animation where they face their palms at one another and dry hump the air. It’s almost (almost) as ridiculous as Worgen with their arms flailing in circles like they’re trying to fly.

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Male night elves could really use some love. :heartbeat:

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I have made posts on this as well on the past, the male night elf definitely got them rushes. Seriously, during WoD they didn’t even get the concept art, their animations are BAD and their model just looks an HD version of the the Alpha old model.


One thing Male Night Elves could improve on is parts of their animation such as when they walk, it looks like they’re wearing tight underpants and when they jump, it looks like they have frog legs.


same. They looked better in pictures because their idle wasn’t present as well. As soon as I saw them on PTR I was disappointed.

You had me up to that.
That is just plain creepy lookin’.

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My feet are invulnerable bear feet.

They do though?

both male and female need to be redone, and so does nightborne.

all the female nelf faces are too smiley, the skin textures of both male and female are bad, the male’s arms being the same length as his legs while his torso is half the size of both is very bad.

the nightborne look NOTHING like their npc versions. it’s not even the same race at this point.


oh, and also, the only neutral female nelf face’s eyebrows are stuck permanently as high as possible, like she just got surprised but only her eyebrows reacted. it’s absolutely awful.



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