Lets play the "Anduin dates a non human race" game

Probably Fine Tier :thinking::
Night Elf, Dwarf, Void Elf, Orc, Troll, Draenei, Night Borne, Blood elf

Don’t think about it too much Tier :raised_hand: :weary: :
Gnome, Goblin, Worgen, Kul’tiran, Highmountain Tauren

Oh God Why Tier :sob: :scream::
Vulpera, Mechagnome, Undead, Tauren, Pandaren,

Spicy Boi Tier :hot_face: :dash: :

He is already dating a non human race. Ever wonder who Wrathion is?


The only tier:


Night Elf

Void Elf

Blood Elf

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I hope Anduin dates his hands.

In sock puppet form not the other way, stop thinking like that.


Wasnt there something about him liking the female Draenei?

Ew. No tauren, highmountian tauren or vulpera would even consider this, he is the one on our oh god why tier.

Let’s have him be asexual and have no feelings for anyone but himself and his angelic face

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Eh close I’d go with: Fine tier: Void Elf, Night Elf, Draenei, Nightborne, Worgen, Pandaren (good cooks, nice full body, would probably make a good housewife)

Don’t think about it too much: Tauren (need better proportions), Kul’tirans, Vulpera (kinda hot still prefer the worgen but they’ll do), Goblin, Dwarf.

Somewhere in between the two: Orcs (not really truly “ugly” but not my taste in women either really 0-o?)

Oh god why?!? tier: Mechagnome, Undead Forsaken, Naga, Trolls, Blood Elves (can’t stand em, it’s the cheerleader look and complex)… (this list is surprisingly short).

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*Insert, “but he’s not a Blood Elf!” joke here.*

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I got the perfect date for him.

It involves him, some maggots, and a place six feet under.


In various short stories and novels he’s shown interest in a female draenei, a female dwarf, and a female belf.

I hope he dates me. Blushes

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Baine, obviously :cow:

He dated me once but was filming a cutscene the next day so he was practicing crying alot… I had to make an excuse to leave early

Dude WTF

He’s not good enough to date a vulpera. #tearsofanduin

The Scarlet Inquisition approves of this. Keep it up and maybe we’ll allow you to become a Lightforged Mechagnome.

His soft angelic face.

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I mean, his first crush was a dwarf girl, so… possible.

You gotta use the “Spoiler Alert” tags when you post this.