Lets play the "Anduin dates a non human race" game

Hold on

draws a red line above all those listed

writes Dragon above all the others

There we go

In one of the books (Wolfheart I think?) it was established that he has the hots for Draenei women.

You’re right, people should ship him with Stellagosa.

He’s dating a Dragon

Romance in Warcraft is written like a horny teenager making erotic stories about Jaina Proudmoore and then harasses Blizzard writers on Twitter to make it canon, but they tell him ‘No’ so then he calls everyone that calls him out on it a “troll” and…

…This is totally not a real thing that is happening in the WoW lore forum right now.

What, you don’t think Anduin can like his ladies big?

I see someone missed the Anduin/Aysa Cloudsinger scandal in Legion

Not that it matters, Anduin is for Jaina anyway. The Kul Tiran unlock questline is all about getting him the best boat ever so they can cruise into the sunset.

You do know he calls her “Auntie Jaina” right?

…so he is a bottom

What if anduin just announced that he was asexual and aromantic? What then?

I misread that as “aromatic” at first.

I’m sure he DOES smell nice, though.


I imagine him smelling like the inside of a bath and body works.

so an unholy assault of vanilla and lavender

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At least it’s not Yankee Candle.

fair enough

Why do threads like this exist? Why is this a recurring theme on this forum?

Anduin is the closest character to a dating sim option is why.

Some people don’t get out much

People will still insist he bunks with Wrathion, because they played Pandaren Mahjong that one time on Pandaria.

Still a better love story than Twilight.

Well he has to call her something, but he has a little too much baggage to call her “Mommy” IYKWIM