Let's not forget right-click report

I read that article and it seems like they’re quite broad on what they’re calling Support staff.

"Blizzard’s publishing department, which is comprised of PR, marketing, community, and other game support divisions, was also hit hard."

If anyone has a tweet from a Blizzard GM that confirms they were laid off, that would end this discussion right now and contradict what Mirasol (the MvP I linked) is saying.

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Reading further into this, they could be referring to the Destiny Support team that was laid off.

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https:// www.reddit. com/r/classicwow/comments/aq7qcm/layed_off_blizz_gm_letter_to_activision/

Jordan Mallory, aka Game Master Airuvol

Layed off blizz GM letter to Activision

and theres a link under it to Fanbyte

Think he has a link to his twitter in that post.

Did you read his letter? He doesn’t say anywhere that he was part of these layoffs. Instead, he talks about working at Blizzard in 2008. I see criticism of his former employer on his twitter before these layoffs even happened.

How could that happen? I cant imagine people report banning people. people are nice and innocent lambs.

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Sorry; kinda read it in a rush as I was quite busy earlier.
Didn’t see a quit date and saw that he was working for them in 2008 and “now more than 10 years later” and misread that as the end of his employment. Didn’t see that he didn’t actually state working their that entire time. That’s my bad and I do apologize for that.

Of course after reading each line about 3+ times and going on his twitter he never even Included when he split ways with the company in 2011…I had to do a a fair amount of digging to find that.

Went through a lot of stuff on
https:// twitter. com/hashtag/gamejobs?f=news&vertical=default&src=hash
https:// twitter .com/hashtag/BlizzardLayoffs?src=hash

But the only Blizzards ex employee I even saw posting on there was @joeloleson
And he seems to never have posted his position even prior to being let go…

You’d think with around 800 people 9% of a company being let go at least 1 would say something along the lines of “I was a former so and so and got laid off” on some form of social media.

That being said does anyone know if Blizzards has a clause with low level employees/ex-employees stating that they cannot discuss job title or other details whilst employed or X amount of time after termination of employment on social media?

  • and for anyone reading this who hasn’t read through the whole thread there was a lot of blizzards employees let go earlier this year and last year and some might have been GM/CS employees.
    Which if so might be the cause of abysmal ticket/appeal times for people in game. With the current wait times being listed at 24+ hours this is a concern.
    Especially if you figure in that Blizzards might see a huge jump in subs for Classic and are already having issues handling the workload they have now.

Not that I am aware of. A friend of mine worked for Blizzard as a GM a few years back, and never said anything about an NDA or something like that. The stories I used to get from him was a riot. The only restrictions was he had to keep his employment secret when in game.

I guess I could answer your question.

Some people may have said so and might have been right well others might have and been wrong; because you have to keep in mind that private servers don’t have the same rule set as Blizzards legit servers, each is different; and have different populations and different ways of handling violations/ what counts as a rule violation…Some of which include perma account bans after 1 offense.

Some private servers may have done a grade A job with a handful of GM people for thousands of players; and others may have done a less than satisfactory job with a fair number of Gms for just as many people.

It’s kinda like trying to compare different restaurants. 1 Mc Donnalds might be short staffed and do an decent job.
And a Burger king next door might have full staff and somehow manage to give you a raw burger and burger king foot lettuce…
Where as 2 blocks you might have a Burger king that is shorter staffed than the short staffed Mc Donnalds and does a amazing job.

1 server that I tried that had people yelling the N word every 4-5 seconds in general and had some GM staff…And some of the people doing so where “GMs”

Another 1 I tried had very very few GM people and everyone was kind and respectful…played there until they did server resets.

The thing was out of the many I tried none ever had right click to report and basically had the rule set something along the lines of “no death threats and no scammers, no excessive cursing/spam” And things worked fine on most of them…
If someone was cursing a little or spamming a little bit you where basically just supposed to ignore them. Which people did.

But at the end of everything Blizzards GM/CS staff are kinda over worked right now with 24+ hour ticket/appeal times and are doing a job less satisfactory to some private servers which have up to like 10k ppl and only a handful of GMs.
And Blizzards GM/CS staff are paid where as most GMs on private servers are volunteer staff.

Of course we cant really fully figure if blizzards is doing a better/worse job than private servers at handling tickets/issues; as we would have to have Blizzards active wow player numbers, GM/CS staff numbers, the amount of tickets/appeals being filed and the same for each private server so you could have a side by side analysis of the % of issues had/solved in relation to the number of players submitting them and staff handling them.

Because if you have server 1) with 100 players and 1 gm;
and server 2) with 1000 players and 10 gms

And server 1 had 10 tickets solved per day;
and server 2 had 100 tickets being solved per day
they would have done an equal job.

However 1 thing that I saw suggested on several of the private servers that Blizzards should possibly try is account wide ignores.
So if a jerk does something you just ignore them and boom you never have to hear from that account again unless you want to un ignore them later.


@Lusifer You’re the man- just saying. Your detail is amazing.

@Classic Community I hope you all have a beautiful day. None of us want jerks abusing the report system. We’re on the same side. <3