Let's not forget right-click report

Blizzard recently laid off 100 customer support staff, and 700 that included CMs and an indeterminate number of additional support staff. This is coming before the release of a full MMO, and the most social game in Blizzard’s history. I’m not holding out hope for Blizzard to have enough GMs to handle the workload that Classic is going to give them.

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Yup I agree.

Also did you see the blizzard class action lawsuit going on. It is expected to cause more layoffs do to budget cuts.

Their system is swamped currently and is only gonna get more swamped as they get more players.

Getting a ticket/appeal answered might end up taking days.

For those curious it’s about the Bungie split that’s taking Destiny 2 with it.

I get the impression they really don’t have any set in stone rules, but it’s more of a free for all on the CM side of thing because then they can just ban for stuff they find personally offensive rather than a hard set of rules.

I know some forum lawyer will show up saying this ends the “lawyering” of the rules, but that’s some seriously weak argument.

IMO they’re all wacky about this thing now days because they’re trying to get business in china. You may not understand just how much self censorship is required to do business in china… Nay not even on your china only product, but your overall business model needs to be more or less in lock step with the CCP.

This is why I despise doing business in china, its literally one of the worst things ever.

AVTI needs to just give up on china and build high quality products for the North America…

As for China and the EU, forget it, now that atricle 13 and article 11 have passed in the EU just about anything can become a lawsuit now, and in china you have to become part of the party, so that’s out…

That leaves you with The North American Market, South America, East Asia and Aust / pacific ocean.

Outside of that the rest of the world is a authoritarian dictatorship now.


Lol the CS forums us exactly where you are supposed to post that.

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Okay where in the COC does it specifically state that you can do that because you must have a very different COC than me and everyone else…or you didn’t read it.

  • heres what the 1 I’m reading says.

Discussing Disciplinary Actions

This category includes:

Creating posts or threads to discuss disciplinary actions taken against a player, including chat logs and email correspondence between a player and a Game Master (GM)
Creating posts or threads to discuss disciplinary actions taken against a character or account on the forums

If a player is found to have participated in such actions, he/she will:

Be given a temporary ban from the forums, depending upon severity

If you have questions or concerns:
Submit a Support Ticket

Nowhere in there does it say “It’s okay on the CS forums though”
Because while yes some people do engage in that activity; it is directly against the COC…
If Blizzards doesn’t enforce these rules as they are written why have them written the way they are? Do they think its funny messing with peoples heads?

If Blizzards allows such discussion to take place under the CS forum but not other forums it must state so clearly in the COC; which it doesn’t…

But regardless of whether people do it or not Blizzards straight up has a rule saying that the action of discussing Disciplinary action is a no no. And doing so would be breaking the COC even on the CS forum; which I try not to do.

You saying that “Lol the CS forums us exactly where you are supposed to post that.” doesn’t make it true. And that kind of mindset is what leads to abusing “Right click to falsely report”

And this all ties right back into “Right click to falsely report”; because if something is actually okay in Blizzards book, but is written down in the COC/TOS as being a no no than how do people right clicking to report know that they should/shouldn’t report it; possibly giving someone an undeserved squelch or other inconvenience.

It’s hard to follow TOS/COC when a company kinda does a we’ll just enforce it as we see fit mentality.
Because that creates a mindset for the consumer of “this might be a punishable offense” for every action they take in game/forum discussion leading to an un enjoyable playing experience/forum discussion.


I believe you may be one of those lawyer types blizzard does not want to have to deal with.


Honestly, have we been convinced by streamers that right-click reporting is an important issue when in reality it’s just an issue that is important to streamers? Of all the issues important to hardcore vanilla enthusiasts this seems like the least important.

Right-click reporting is required to control the gold sellers. Anyone who played on a Nost-type server knows how annoying it is that you can’t talk in general or in trade until level 10+. This is a measure to control gold seller spam. And even then there was constant gold seller spam.

Also on Nost-type servers were people who spammed racial slurs. I’m no SJW by any means but it really ruins your experience seeing the N word every 10 seconds in world chat and nothing being done about it.

HotS had right-click reporting and auto-squelching and despite playing the game drunk 90% of the time I never received a squelch once.

Why not just threaten repercussions to those who give false right-click reports? Then people would be hesitant to abuse the feature.


But they don’t,and that is why people abuse the system. Until action gets taken against abusers, it is going to get really bad in Classic.


I think I would take the hit of being auto-squelched for one full day if it meant rarely seeing gold seller spam or N word spams every other day.

My assertion is that streamers are spreading outrage over right-click reporting because they will be the victims of auto-squelch. I’m sure it will happen to guild leaders and a few others though.

Also, I do have some faith in the integrity of the vanilla community, having seen people form lines for quest objective spawns at Nost 2.0 launch.


Our feedback makes its own “luck”. I appreciate your support!

I respectfully disagree with you, but I hope we both see positive results in-game! We are of the same opinion- rule breakers should be punished. Innocent, rule-abiding players should never experience a squelch or problem.

Thank you so much for your detailed post! This is amazing, and you’re amazing.

There are some addons that exist to block out gold farming- not saying that’s a solution, but it can help.

Me too, fam. Those of us who are reasonable, want to talk about the game, and share a passion without being a jerk make up 90% of the classic community, and we are fantastic.

How can you not see that automated right click report bans/mutes are open to abuse by those same bad actors???

Except that sort of abuse CAN’T be reported because there is no way to know who might be spam reporting a competing honor farm team/guild/etc.

Take like 2 seconds to think, people.


Blizzard won’t be able to tell who files reports? If I’m posting in trade chat selling x enchant, and so is Bobby from guild Y, and I get reported by 70 people from guild Y for spam, that is literally all the evidence needed to show that guild Y abused the reporting system for their advantage. It will all be in the logs from the reports that they themselves filed.


Lol no, that is exactly what the CS forum is for, though you would be better served by submitting a ticket.

No such thing as an automated ban.

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If right click reporting is in the game…

Pat PvP - Incredible Warrior PvP Movie

I think the alliance will be reporting him in every BG

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And here on the forums. we have people screaming for sharding so they don’t have to compete or wait in line.


Guess you and Brokenwind just don’t seem to understand.

Let me put this a simple as possible that way the only way you won’t understand is that you are intentionally misunderstanding in order to troll.

Discussing disciplinary actions according to Blizzards COC is against the COC rules end of discussion that is 100% fact.
Now the fact that blizzards isn’t punishing people for directly violating a COC rule shows that they are not punishing certain types of COC/TOS violations.
This could be any number of reasons.

Which means if they are not punishing something that is 100% against their posted rules why would they punish abusers of “Right click to falsely report” which has a lot of grey areas that abusers could hide behind.
Spam could be interpreted as “they said the same thing 2 or more times within a 5 minute period.”

The “abusers will be punished” argument is just 100% false at this point as Blizzards would have to do so much digging to prove someone was abusing the system and not just slightly misinformed or misunderstanding.
And they aren’t even putting in the effort to punish direct violations on the forums which have always had stricter enforcement of their rules in place.

also Studmuffyn the CS forums are for customer service and bug reports like
“this quest did not give me the reward when I turned it in”
“this quest auto failed upon accepting pls help”
“I re subbed to wow but my account says game time expired what going on?”

Disciplinary action is supposed to be kept between you and Blizzards. And handled through support tickets.

Just because some rule breakers are posting stuff they aren’t supposed to on the forums that doesn’t make it right. And if some GM on the CS forums is having a bad day a lot of people will end up in serious trouble.

If there is a rule blizzards has posted somewhere stating Disciplinary actions are fair game for discussion on the CS forum please link it.

And to Brokenwind

  • Blizzards has ambiguous COC/TOS rules at best; you have to carefully read through them because they are written in a way that a GM could ban you for linking a you tube video if they feel like it; or not if they don’t feel like it.
    Their rules are set up in a way that if they just don’t like what your saying you could get in trouble whether or not its a clear violation of their COC/TOS.

And that’s why I’m trying to be thorough on these things; is their rules are setup in a way that promotes abuse of the innocent rather than punishment of the guilty.


Once again you are doing that lawyering thing, which is exactly why blizzard will not give specifics.


And people won’t be smart enough to submit those reports using alts that are not in guild Y?

Even if they are dumb enough to use characters in guild Y to report, which is more likely to occur if the GM determinus there was no violation and overturns the squelch–the GM then investigates each character that submitted a report to check for abuse or the GM simply moves onto the next report?

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