Let's make WoW the easiest game possibe!

Im level 60, look at my armory, not my problem certain characters aren’t displaying their proper level lol. Stop trolling, go get some gear and the game will be “easier” like you asked.

You’re level 50, I see it right there! Gear is too hard to get and is unfair to casuals like me.

Fixed for you.

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To reply honestly to this, I would say that I would take 1/4 drop rate if I could pinpoint the item from the dungeon I wanted most while running it.

Also, why is it bad to want a good piece of loot to drop when you kill something?

Are you honestly saying you want a game to be a hamster wheel where you get nothing or a useless something most of the time you do anything? You’re criticizing people who want to be rewarded for their effort? I don’t understand this mindset of hating when things are made easier.

In wow, to get the best stuff, you still have to do content that the majority of the player base will never touch.

WoW is and never was hard. If you have the time you could always achieve whatever you want in this game. That’s one of the main reasons I have always loved this game so much.

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I think we should nerf Torghast down to literally one minute a floor.

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You’re a smart man, and you got me thinking. Why do I need to play to get loot? I’m a paying customer and I don’t have time. Just give loot, don’t let the eliists win.

I knew by title the OP was flagged. :rofl:

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we need some copium in here

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-no scaling except by opt-in level sync to party members
-less enemy density. put some thought into monster spawns instead of just spraying them all over the place
-remove daze
-new team (although, this would be first to get anything else)

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Easiest game?

Blizz already did. Nerfed all Layers Endbosses.

How about have all Legendaries available from a Vendor like what they did on Season 4 Corruptions so everyone would be on BiS. LOL. Once you reach Max level, your covenant should reward you a full set of gear at ilevel 200.

I like how Torghast how it was. If I want to make it more fun, I would wish putting a TIMER on it. How about bring SPLIT PERSONALITY to Torghast. It would be FUN. BTW, challenges = fun to me. Torghast layers below layers 8 are now a joke.

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(You’re wasting my replies on a perfectly good mirror thread. Please, go away)

WoW is already easy. I’ve never died, or even been close to dying, in PvE. WoW feels like it’s made for 5-year old children to play. PvP is different because it’s you versus another human. They should actually make the world of WoW dangerous and scary. I shouldn’t be able to run down a street with demons chasing me and live but of course I’ll live because WoW is ezmode. Early EverQuest PvE was far superior to WoW’s PvE. Running into an area with mobs carelessly meant you die and sometimes horribly. The world was dangerous…Blizzard should make the world of WoW scary. I should be scared every time I leave the safety of a city.

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You have no imagination.

Players shouldn’t need to kill bosses. They should have their character pre-generated for them. The only thing that does matter is the character creation tool. it should allow the player to accurately, down to the tiniest detail, recreate themselves in the game. After that, all the player needs are some cut scenes that shows how awesome they are. Every once in a while, the player hits the space bar, at key moments, to land that killing blow.

That’s what players want and it’s the ultimate goal of Blizzard’s game design.

-Change soulbound items to bound to account.
-Get rid of faction tagging on normal mobs

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I’ve been saying exactly this. Here are my ideas. Too extreme? I don’t think so.

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