Let's make WoW the easiest game possibe!

In this thread, let’s introduce ideas and mechanics that will make WoW the PERFECT game for your average forum go’er.

‘What is it that a forum go’er wants/likes?’ you may ask. Well, often times, they want things EZ PZ LEMON SQUEEZY! Minimal effort, maximum reward! So with that being said, I shall introduce the first idea into making WoW the perfect game!

  1. Bosses no longer drop randomized loot. If you kill a boss and it drops an item, it should be your BIS, no matter the content. Whatever your best secondary stat is, the boss drops the item with those stats. No more, “omg, i farmed for this chest piece with master/haste, but kept getting the crit chest piece!!!11!” Now, you get what you want!

Alright posters, what ideas do you have to make this game ‘fun’.


Im thinking of a word…starts with “T”.


Im thinking of a word…starts with “T”.



All DPS immune to bad on the floor that they can’t be asked to move from.
My healing like 100000% easier now! lol.


Agreed! Like hell I’m about to move out of some fire and sacrifice my dps for your sake.

Just heal me!

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0/10 Troll. Too easy. You have failed Troll academia and must send in another application form to reapply.


0/10 Troll. Too easy.

It’s not, that’s the point of this thread. WoW isn’t to easy!

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Someone is mad that Torghast got nerfed. Come here, buddy. You need a shoulder to cry on?

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NIce try.

People would take an off spec drop. The issue with 0 drop…its nothing. Personally in gear up I just want gear to replace 151’s on a fresh 60.

If its BM stats for a MM…I don’t care. it be 171 to replace the 151. Fill class spec to taste where 2 specs have almost nothing in common here…

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Someone is mad that Torghast got nerfed.

Why would I be mad? That’s a great suggestion! Torghast was simply too hard! I think you miss the point of the thread!

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I want my time in game to feel like it’s mostly spent enjoying the systems I play the game for. That’s all. I like raiding and I enjoy the occasional M+.

I only have so much time in a day to play. So, as “the average forum goer” I just want to have fun playing a video game, often with my friends and often tackling challenging content that I enjoy. I don’t want the bulk of my gameplay to be a second job that burns me out before I can even enjoy the parts of the game I like.

The thing that could make WoW the PERFECT game for me though, would be if they got rid of all the condescending douche nozzles like the op.


If its BM stats for a MM…I don’t care. it be 171 to replace the 151. Fill class spec to taste where 2 specs have almost nothing in common here…

But it doesn’t HAVE to be for another spec. You get whatever you want! Having gear drop for multiple specs time-gates my progression! I want what I want, and I want it now! Why should I have to do mythic raiding to be ‘good’ at the game? I want the best gear for me, no grind necessary.

NPCs to fill the empty spots in your dungeon or raid group. Now everyone can solo Mythic raids!
(While taking a dirt nap.)

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The thing that could make WoW the PERFECT game for me though, would be if they got rid of all the condescending douche nozzles like the op.

Genuine ouch! I’m like you, I play maybe 4 hours a week. You think I wanna have to do something I DONT want to do to enjoy the part of the game I DO enjoy? The average forum go’er is the average player, a casual. The game should be catered to us, the majority, and not the minority who enjoy grinding!

Idk who hurt you, but it’s not everyone’s goal to make you upset or make fun of you.

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WoW = EZMODE extreme

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Yes! FF14 trust system! That’s wonderful!

Yawn… who cares.

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I love when people like OP who don’t raid or do m+ act like they’re the pinnacle of skill, and everyone else is below them.

Irony is great

Raiding and m+ aren’t the only aspects of the game!

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Every time you log in, you get a piece of 226 gear! No more gear locked behind that content you don’t like! Now you don’t need to do that content…or any content for that matter! All you need is an internet connection and username and password!

And for those who don’t have internet, don’t worry - we’ll mail you a picture of your character in your top-level purps so you know you’re best. Even when you didn’t log in!