Let's make WoW the easiest game possibe!

Every time you log in, you get a piece of 226 gear!

No more locking it in our good boy box once a week. Just let me choose everyday! Time-gate bad!

They’re the only hard parts though

Following telegraphs isn’t hard.

The forum idiots want everything to be simple and quick like the turtle matching WC on BFA, but then they’ll complain because the turtle matching quest is too easy and mindless.

In short, the game should be designed around good players to have a deep challenge, not forum idiots, because the forum idiots are lazy and catering to them makes a bad game, which leads to your company hiding its subs because you can’t retain good players who get bored.

I hear your idea but what if your loot specialization wasn’t set correctly? I suggest instead of the Boss dropping your BiS, it should drop a chest that let’s you pick any one gear piece from the Boss’s loot table. In addition there should be a highlighted box around the BiS piece for your current spec. That way people could gear offspecs even without remembering to change their loot spec!

In short, the game should be designed around good players to have a deep challenge, not forum idiots, because the forum idiots are lazy and catering to them makes a bad game, which leads to your company hiding its subs because you can’t retain good players who get bored.

They cater to the hard content and top percent, that’s why they hide their subs… they lose the average player who wants to kick back with friends.

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Imagine getting this upset over a video game.

You want challenge, but is there a reason you don’t have even ahead of the curve on any raid?

I hear your idea but what if your loot specialization wasn’t set correctly? I suggest instead of the Boss dropping your BiS, it should drop a chest that let’s you pick any one gear piece from the Boss’s loot table. In addition there should be a highlighted box around the BiS piece for your current spec. That way people could gear offspecs even without remembering to change their loot spec!

Genius! Removes the RNG in the gear that drops, and you get literally what you want! Thank you!

OP is a fantastic example of why evolution made breathing a chemical reaction rather than a voluntary one.

i would like to request an auto-play feature.

where my character is played by an AI and im only having to interfere when there is an important choice to make

bonus if it works on phones.


You got upset when Dean cheated on his wife with Rory. It was their decision!

so what’s your point? torghast nerfed and is just as telegraphed as other pve content, yet torghast being nerfed somehow ruined the game? the challenging portions of this game are too telegraphed for you though apparently? what are you talking about

This thread is about making the game the easiest possible though? Why have telegraphed abilities like other pve content when you could have telegraphed abilities with 3x the amount of time to dodge and do half the damage? Full easy all the way!

PVE content isn’t hard because of the telegraph, it’s hard because of the gatedness of gear. I should be able to get the gear EZ to do Layer 8 Torghast.

It was never that hard to begin with, just different.

OP is a fantastic example of why evolution made breathing a chemical reaction rather than a voluntary one.

Evolution knew to cater to the majority, not the minority. Stay upset try-hard!

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your argument was that raids and m+ are telegraphed, thus implying it isn’t actually challenging

Literally impossible for some classes to kill final boss isn’t a difficulty problem. If they had their BiS they’d have been able to have fun, the main objective of any game, and clear the floors.

Can’t wait for next week when the same mentally challenged people that complained about it being hard will complain again cuz they’re unable to do something as simple as reading tooltips on abilities PepeLaugh

When compared to pvp, the telegraph isn’t hard. PVE is hard for 1 reason, time-gated gear!

pvp is much harder and should be made easier to compete!