Let's just look at the numbers

Do they? Death strike is the bulk of what is supposed to make up DKs defensive toolkit and now it is gutted


whats next for ww?

Where is your healer at? You are not supposed to sustain yourself solo. :rofl:

Healers need to heal and we accomplish that by greatly reducing overtuned Dps healing. A 48k Heal is a lot still.

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Subtlety does a decent amount of its damage as Shadow and Assassination as Nature, so it’s only useless against Rogues if they’re playing Outlaw. And [Echoing Reprimand] still does Arcane damage.

This thread pretty much sums up that people have no idea how bad DK self sustain will now be especially when they have 1 major defensive against melee comps. Theres no reason not to train the red til dead now.

Welcome back chains and pillar degenerate gameplay.


And, on top of this the nerf is very public so DK becomes the focus target which makes the survivability nerfs even worse. Blizzard never learns.

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Who the hell does 80k dps ?! I do 40k dps burst and 20k dps out of burst and I’m fully maxed gear top dmg in arenas and bgs and I’m also multi glad and top 1 of my spec last season in the world. I say your just lying when talking about people doing 80k dps, nobody does even nearly that much dmg.

dh player very aware of how other specs work :slight_smile:

Jokes on you, I haven’t played a DH in over 4 years. The fact that this character is still at level 60 should’ve been a hint and I was being sarcastic.

When did dps DK outhealing all incoming damage become an expectation?

ya keep coping man

I don’t even know what you are on about. Did an orc zug zug your head a bit too hard? How do you read “melee is optional” when talking about Survival Hunter and not realize it’s a joke?

The fact that warriors now have better self healing than DK is a joke… The nerfs were way overdone and seem to have been a knee jerk reaction to devs playing casual bgs… Death Strike doesn’t even feel worth hitting now when i can instead death coil cleave for more damage than spend the RP for a heal that doesn’t even really heal…

AMS nerf was fine
Death Strike and Abom limb nerfs were overboard

is that a racist remark? really dude? much love to brazil

That’s why you need a healer to heal you, that’s their job

I also have no idea how you got to that conclusion. If you’re here to troll you could at least put in a bit more of effort.

the dps you see in your meters is over the whole fight. so it is an average

it is very much possible for two dps combined to do 80k dps over 5 seconds. They can do MUCH more than that

also nobody is dying outside of cds anyways when you have a healer.

so the only time survival matters is when your getting bursted, and that’s where dk is weak right now

That’s why healers are there and hybrids to help you live. Dk is not a hybrid and that’s why it does more dmg than a hybrid.