Let's Have Some Fun

“I found one, way up high, on a rock tower in Panda Land. They are everywhere!”

“It even has a little house, with a bed and working chair.”


.1 Being able to forget about RL and just be a druid for a while.
.2 Telling chuck norris and “in soviet russia” jokes in trade, those never get old.
.3 Discovering new things toys do when combined with other toys.


Off the top of my head with little to no caffeine yet:

  1. The plethora of riding and flying mounts, dragonriding mounts included, love how many we have and have a lot of different ones depending on my alts.
  2. The wide range of pets hunters can tame, having a bunch of different hunters with all but one having a theme is pretty fun to me.
  3. Panda monks
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Pandaren, firewater and BM hunters.

Been rocking all three for a decade and only thing that might change is going druid when we get them.

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  1. Chromie time. I love been able to pick and chose where I level my guys.

  2. The art/music. Even the dated stuff is still impressive and fun to play in. Except Eversong. That sad slow bass strumming make me depressed in an otherwise beautiful zone.

  3. Holidays. I love the various holidays. Even if I don’t want the loot, there are usually plenty of things to do that reward a nice bit of xp for my alts.


There’s so many!

  1. Mount, toy, transmog and pet collecting
  2. All the playable races and classes
  3. The music, art and ambience

There’s so much more, but I guess these are my 3 favorite. :dracthyr_heart:

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Mine are boring basic and probably ridiculous to some but hey it’s an honest answer. Keep in mind I’ve played the game mostly consistently (some breaks) since February 2005.

The art and sound of the game , at nearly every expansion I have always enjoyed and appreciated.

I like open world games in general, where you can do numerous activities as the whim hits you and while that’s not exclusive to wow I think wow does it well . (Mostly)

I like options. The game offers many classes and races , though I think the design choices on some is wonky at times i think the Warcraft take on a lot of them is pretty cool and enjoyable. Again … for the most part.

Some patches I think they get in things way wrong , but overall there’s a reason I’ve played this long.

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Its a nice waste of time over a :coffee: or on a lazy day.

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This is also true!

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  1. Still love old method of flying (hate, hate, hate all things Pathfinder)
  2. Discovering new areas when flying
  3. Equipping my avatars so they can survive …
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memories i had
memories i am making
people i am meeting that are nice


M+ is fun

… I can’t even think of a third

Not to bring negativity but tons of people are bringing up the art team, yet the art has jumped off a cliff

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  1. killing alliance
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“That’s one. Got two more?”

Then brings negativity.


These always get a chuckle out of me.

“Not to be rude…” You just know the next sentence is going to be rude. :smile:

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  1. Music
    1b. Art
  2. Classic/BC/LK lore
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healing horde that are killing alliance

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“That makes two. Got a third one?”

  1. the everlasting fire of the scarlet crusade
  2. my brothers and sisters of the scarlet crusade
  3. the defenders of the realm known as the scarlet crusade
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