- The bird watcher title and letting me has attack peacocks
- Water elementals, frost mage was one of first and favorite characters and i loved having my squishy friend. He only visits some of the time now but still love my squishy.
- Kul Tiras, all of it, the questing, zones, and player model is perfect and nothing beat using haymaker in pvp.
- The races and most of their style choices
- Part of the Community and Roleplay
- The chat system (Playing other games with some… awful chat systems made me realize how good WoW has it.)
We have donuts?? I’m lost on that one,then again ,I’m lost in the world even when there’s a good map to follow.I guess too much sight seeing would do that.
Well it kills time, cant say its relaxing cuz people bug out all the time,
“Quite often, that is the most needed.”
I still love:
- The forums. They are a lot friendlier than I remember them, actually. It’s a nice place to interact with personalities.
- I still love Orgrimmar and Stormwind. Great Hubs.
- I still love enough about the game that I keep coming back.
“I think this one counts for a LOT of us.”
I’m a ninja.
1.) The sheer diversity of people that I run into and play with. My friends of well over 10 years and I made a guild and we’ve a few people that aren’t even from this country playing with us and having a good time. Think about that for just a moment… don’t overlook the magic of playing with someone from France or Ireland, I feel like people don’t think about distance anymore with how easy it is to travel. I myself don’t travel much, I may never see Paris or Tokyo, but I feel pretty blessed to have conversed and befriended people from those places through WoW. Hell, I met my s/o in Orgrimmar, dated long distance for a while, and now we live together and have a family. We’ve been together closing in on a decade, and that all started with a guild recruitment message. So the people of WoW, despite what a lot of folks with claim about this community, is my absolute joy in this game above all others.
2.) The world. I get so immersed in WoW, even to this day. I’ve been a big hater on Shadowlands and went back to dig deeper into the story lately, and you know it’s actually not a half bad story, it’s just told remarkably badly in game. As in, hardly at all! I picked up Sylvanas recently and read it, it was quite good imo. It’s got me all jazzed up about the story going forward and I understand the state of Azeroth better now and the general placement of us within the story right now. That’s always been fun to me, even when the game mechanics don’t grab me, the WORLD of Warcraft always does.
3.) Personal progression. I enjoy being a part of a team and seeing that team succeed, but that team is usually the fire that wants me to git gud. I’m not really, I’m probably average at best, but being average at best is a big step up from where I was. I have my raid team to thank for that progress; friendly competition and a neighborly atmosphere has helped me step into content like M+ that I would have otherwise never touched in a pug. Now im practicing dungeons because I want to be better at them when we do guild M+ runs.
These are my favorite things about WoW. Honestly, the game itself is kinda secondary. It’s mostly the people I play with. If I’m not surrounded by people I want to play with, I tend to simply not play. That’s not the case these days, though, I’m amped up.
Dwarves - My favorite fantasy race and one of the reasons I picked WoW when a friend was looking to play an MMO way back in Vanilla. They easily represented what I came to know and love while playing D&D. Overall, the entire selection of races is pretty cool in WoW.
Bears - Always had a love for bears and WoW has plenty. My hunter pets have been a fun source of RP for me and my friends. Especially a polar bear I named Hroth.
Kul Tirans - They are the bears of Azeroth.
wow classic
wow hardcore
wow SoD
“I love Classic. I started at the beginning of Cata. In Classic I get to see what I missed.”
Garrisons - I wish each expansion after WoD would have brought at least a little something extra to each garrison. Either way I still love’em on all alts.
The variety of available versions of WoW. Some days/weeks I really get into my retail characters; other I dig my vanilla classic/era/hardcore characters.
PvP - I might be casual but it’s always a good time, even if when I lose!
Darkspear Trolls
Zandalari Trolls
Blood Trolls.
- Eversong Forest
- The music and atmosphere will never not be theraputic for me. Always feels good to just mindlessly level a character there
- I also often had the OST for this zone playing through my speakers overnight because it was the one thing that would put my anxious bird to sleep (he became super antsy after his partner passed away)
- Anduin
- I know peolple have mixed feelings on him but he’s literally been around since Classic, it’s been so nice to watch him grow as a character over the years
- Shamans
- I like popping Thunderstorm on people when they’re standing on the side of a mountain
“I got another list… All the Toys, Pets, and Mounts, and that they made them all easier to store.”
I’ll probably get some flack for this but.
- I actually really love dragonriding way more than I should. It’s probably one of the best things they ever added to the game for someone like me who enjoys efficiency.
- As much as it can aggravate the living hell outta me, I still love to PvP.
- I still love collecting things. It’s the driving force behind 90% of what I do. And in WoW, every season, there’s lots of new things to collect. Which I appreciate.
Dragon riding is such a fresh addition for overworld content. It’s excellent in that - hopefully - it will remain evergreen and not relegated to just dragon isles, as we’ve already seen.
After all these years, you can STILL find that out of the way in the middle of nowhere little pond under the tree that’s private and quiet and the perfect place to fish.
Man…I really should learn fishing (and cooking) on Fair…