“I’ll start simple… 1. The Art Team has never let me down. 2. So much beautiful Zone Music that is so unforgettable. 3. So many new, and old, outfits that are fascinating, and well created.”
Trolls - I love the Hattian/Jamaican/Islander voodoo aesthetic mixed with ancient aztec/maya/incan ones. I love Dinosuars. And I love the mix of wild and crazy chaos with dark and sinister vibes they have.
The Xmog System - FFXIV has been my main MMO and WoW my “side” one since early legion (before that FF was the side one and WoW was the main one). Even as both games have iterated on their Xmog systems, WoW’s has always been leagues better than the equivalent in FFXIV. The current WoW one is near perfect IMO.
Battlegrounds - I’m not a serious (or good) pvper by any means but I will often get the itch to do random battlegrounds and can almost always have a good time. Even though they don’t add much and the rewards are somewhat limited I still enjoy the variety and have a good time with it.
Well, number 1’s you, Cyndilou…and others too: the few same-server people who I’ve played and interacted with for years that still play as well as the other players I choose to interact with on and from the forums. There’s some toxicity in-game and in the broader WoW community that ebbs and flows with the current of the game’s direction at any point; however, there’s still quality connections to be made.
The design of most zones, both visual and aural. I love how the art direction of some of the zones look even if they are not as technically impressive as other games, and some of the music in the game is great.
I like how the game feels in terms of gameplay, character control, and combat flow. I prefer how WoW feels over most MMOs I have played.
Mythic plus - I know a lot of people hate it because they feel forced to do it for gear, but I still enjoy it. I still enjoy battling through dungeons with a group and being in control of all the monsters / bosses as a tank. No other game has replicated that feeling the same way that WoW does.
Despite being a mostly non social game these days, at event times (Christmas) the community finds ways to get together and have some fun. In Ironforge on Christmas all the players got out their core hounds and made a giant wreath around the snow globe. It’s little things like that, that make you remember its an MMO
Little details put into the game. There’s a lot of problems with the game for sure, but if you look there’s a lot of love tucked away in it as well. The mount specials, little details from critters in different zones, things that you miss unless you stop and watch closely.
The World
How immersive the world is, between the story, thematic art, flora/fauna, sounds, music. It’s the first thing I look forward to in a new expansion, to explore.
imo WoW has the best combat system, when I fight or heal my skills feel impactful, and of course the spell visuals, sounds, everything.
Plenty To Do
There’s a lot of stuff to do, I’m still working on my characters and have been playing for years.
I know it’s not for everyone and I wish they’d allow for regular flying for the people who don’t like dynamic flight, right out of the gate without giving them hoops to jump through to unlock it.
But I’m a big fan. I love zipping through zones as fast as I can. I love dodging trees and shooting through arches and underneath ledges.
The game made traveling so much fun and I love it.
The zones, every new expansion I always have a favorite new zone. For BC it was Zangarmarsh, for LK it was Storm Peaks, for Cata it was Uldum, for Mists it was Kun Lai Summit, for WoD it was Frostfire Ridge, for Legion it was Suramar(this is my all-time favorite), for BFA it was Drustvar, for SL it was Revendreth and for DF it was The Azure Span. I love the art team, I love the zone and world design of this game immensely and wish they’d do so much more with it. Bonus: Vanilla zone was Westfall The expected new favorite for TWW for me should be Hallowfall.
The races of the game. I love pretty much every race in the game, I love racial identity and find it to be one of the most important things in the game, a bit concerning as of late as to how they continue to reduce such.
The lore. The story is the most important thing in the game to me, while WoWs story is not perfect it has had some decent moments nonetheless and I wish they could put out much better stories and hope they will going forward. TWW and Worldsoul Saga seem promising, it’s the only flicker of hope I have.
I disagree some of the tierset visuals have been questionable.
Grizzly hills zone music goes down in history of my most fave zone music.
The transmog system could use a dye ststem but yes in general i really do like the investment into outfits in game. Give me more hats.
My guild of friends that band together to have fun and see what we can kill every tier - never CE but happy to progress into mythic until we hit a wall, keys have been a huge bonus pushing into the 2800-3k rating area while being able to pick a brand new alt every season with the intention of getting all the portals - currently bdk.
Profession system changes - while many issues exist i have really enjoyed investing heavily into blacksmithing and having pride in my work - i will not craft something that isnt max rank, have connected with so many players over the expansion that will use me for all their personal needs while sending their friends my way for crafts - its a great feeling.
All the things addon and heavily investing time into everything the game has outside of raiding/m+ - small group of friends (3) have gained traction into completing zones and have begun to run old content together -currently spending more hours messing about doing this in disc chilling then we invest into keys/raids etc.