Let's Have A Real Discussion About Fixing the Black Market Auction House

They really need to update BMAH in 10.

Have had suggestion for a while now, similar/same with yours.


Right on. We definitely need improvements.

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Some jewelcrafters can make it. The ones who have the pattern, which may take 25k kills of cata world bosses to drop.

However, the depressed economy has dropped the AH price that item (and the High Society Top Hat) down dramatically, from 1 million+ in BfA to 20-50k on many servers.

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Yea the prices on that item are really low now and u can debate if it even worth farm those 5 world bosses over and over again with like a 4-6 hour respawn time like 25k times.

But i guess Humanbeak was just pointing out the problem of it being in the AH for that price and tbh it shouldnt be for 500k anymore considering its sale prices are so much lower now & also i think hes pointing out that the BMAH Is the most neglected part of the game currently the Reins of the mighty caravan brutosaur is a testament of how much they really care about the BMAH that thing has been bugged close to 8 months now and after countless people posting about it, even some Council members have posted about it, its still yet to be fixed.

Good ideas. I don’t think there should be any Ordos, old MoP PvP, or anything else of the sort on there anyway. That made sense when it was first introduced in MoP, but not anymore. Rare/prestige items, yes. Soulbound junk items, no.


Agreed there just alot of junk most of the times on the BMAH and not enough of the items that people use the BMAH for.

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Additionally, I think ensembles should be on the BMAH, including old raid sets like Judgment armor and T3. The former wouldn’t go for a TON, but it would be a way for someone who doesn’t want to, or is sick of, farming them to get the set all at once; the latter would likely cap, but would spare players the annoyance of waiting on certain pieces, sometimes for months.

I’m not a gold factory, but I DEEPLY want to collect a few T3 sets. I’ve never won a BMAH bid, I don’t have the gold. Nevermind the fact the bid window ends well after I need to go to bed most nights.
It’s frustrating.


The point of BMAH is not to let you get old stuff. It exists to suck gold out of the game. You getting t3 is secondary to removing gold from the economy. Capping the price is counterproductive to the intended goal.


I agree with this also having cap on certain items would indeed help more of the player base to partake in the BMAH rather than it being more exclusive for the people who have multiple gold caps.

I also see sentezas point as that was the main reason why BMAH was made so that its a gold sink for the extremely rich goldmakers in the game.

But i highly suggest them fixing some of the drops in the BMAH cause most of the times is absolutely trash.

I bought only one crate. The reason never again is I got 50 silver pet that you can buy from vendor.

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Blizz needs to ban the paid TSM sub component. Just send 1 cease and desist letter and it’s over. Time to get 'er done, Blizz.

That Unclaimed BMAH container is absolutely not worth getting for most players its only meant for the people who have many gold caps.

Most of the times the items you get from it are really bad like you can get a armor which your toon wont be able to use even xD

oh, I just bought cause at the time only 10k. Now that my kids are no longer taking gold. I have found that I do pretty well in the game. Just messing around nets me around 500k a week. I have a army (21) alts and use table daily.

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I think we’re both right. It is LARGELY to suck gold out of the economy, but it is also for folks to try to get stuff. I think capping certain items, but not others could be ok. jmo tho.

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Agreed. It has a gold sink effect, which is fine, but if there weren’t items of interest there, then…it wouldn’t be doing anything.

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My BMAH only gives like some cheap pet, old armor pieces and the Unclaimed BMAH container which sells for like 500-800k everytime it shows up.

At this point i feel checking the BMAH is pointless.

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It definitely needs to be made useful for more than 0.00001% of the player population.


Its a whole system that was made and exists on all realms and all realms get different loot, they also made a new BMAH location in Shadowlands which im sure most of the player base doesn’t even know where its located.

Idk why the blizzard cant do a little bit of work on the BMAH and fix some of its issue atleast start with small baby steps then we can slowly work into getting bigger changes.

Another improvement that would help is to make the encrypted black market radios BoA. That’s a separate issue than the others described though, just throwing it out there.

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