Let's Have A Real Discussion About Fixing the Black Market Auction House

I occasionally grab them when I can on my main account(EU) and agree with almost every point.

Weapons and armor sets being BoA straight up sucks, Id much rather get a pattern than see a 2h I really needed drop on priest, I’m on 18th box now and got 4 mounts… not bad at all, 2 TCG toys, a tabard of flame(already brought that one a long time ago for only 30$) and the rest are patterns.

I dread the day I see one of the weapons drop there but I am still full expecting it.

Saw this post when it first came out and it’s been on my minds since. the bmah is honestly horrible right now. hope this post can get some more attention!


Its a system that gets minimal attention from the devs as its just suppose to be a gold sink.

Hopefully they make it better so its atleast accessible to more players.

Please post the tldr

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tl:dr would be that BMAH is currently very bad because of its horrible RNG with lots of armor pieces not enough meaningful items.

Please fix BMAH


The crates being expensive and player bids makes sense to me. BMAH ain’t there to let you get cool stuff for cheap.

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A neat little flavor improvement for the BMAH could be to have 2-3 of the rarest items on display, like a real auction would have, and auctioneers pointing and taking bids from nearby NPCs; also they could put in a nearby desk where NPCs take “calls” (using Goblin/Gnome engineering tech for “phones”, etc.). Doesn’t affect how the system works, but serves as atmosphere.


The Black Market Auction House feels as neglected as the holidays do. It’s not looking like it’ll be fixed anytime “soon.”

Yeah, anything that’s going to take cash away from Blizz is just not going to happen.

But good job wasting your morning trying to fix their greediness.

Nice post, well presented.
But I disagree with everything, no offense.
Trying to tame a black market is your idea and that doesn’t work in the real world and since that is the definition and concept; what we have in the game works.

It is gambling for the very rich players. It should not be and isn’t fair in any way. The crates are for players to gamble some more. The timing is set up for the luck chance that you might sneak in a bid and win. Players should not be (I really hope) buying tokens to gamble on the black market; that is folly and foolish.

If, in your goblin ways, you’ve jacked up some millions and want to go take a look at the black market, you might find something you want to take a chance on. We don’t have many gold sinks in the game. I have the white rhino mount and the ogre pinata after bidding wars and dropping millions, it was fun to do. I think I have a couple of kites too, they are fun.

Camping the black market as a routine, well, I can’t imagine doing this. It is such a dark corner of the game. Madame Goya is typically tucked in some far corner, away from temptation. It is perfect as it is.

It won’t be touched for decades.

Remove Dead Contet Items Such as the Original Mists Of Pandaria Garbage thats been there since they Added this useless Auction House.

Remove Mounts and Pets Etc that can be easily Farmed. For Example As of writing this There is a Zandalri Warbringer Mount currently on the Oceanic BMAH. Why this and other Mounts from those rares are on that Format is pointless I come across them now and then since I farm them if I see them for the Rep tokens and Bags, and I get those mounts on repeat fairly easily and I guess since Oceanic aint no Over Populated European or American Server they are up usually most of the times I am flying around MoP.

If they want to do Anything Remotely Special and add even more FoMo To this Platform why not add Unobtainable Items from Previous Pre Launch events that have not yet been added back to the game. For Example the Pre launch Armor Sets from the Wrath Pre Launch Event. If I recall the Streamer Asmongold on one ofhis streams got back the Plate Set from that Event via a Ticket. It was the recolor of the Judgement set and I think there was 4 sets total one for each armor class, Something like that brought back but not as individual Pieces which is basically penalising people you Combine them all into a Single Set that functions like the cosmetic sets do of the Trading Post a one click Learn.

Tier 3 Sets should of been done this way long ago not split up into pieces. And when the patch came out last year bringing it back to the forefront It still wasnt done. Less Said about that by me the better I have Spoken my Piece on that subject.

Same Goes for Unobtainable or From my own Grinding Experience Next to unobtainable Toys Pets Transmog items and Recipes (Patterns,Plans,Schematics). The Current ones on the BMAH are all Easy to get BoE trash drop MoP raid ones which only serve to mock you when opening the Container if you manage to buy one or take up a useful slot on the list of buyable items same goes for Pets Sold by vendors or are not rare at all being in that same Slot. Remove those and put the Rare as all hell TBC world drop patterns and Plans like Felsteel Longblade etc. Something actually worth a damn and make a competitive fight for people to purchase.

Things Like this need to be done but for me Personally I would love to see see the BMAH dissolved into the Trading Post. Since the Trading Post is more of an attainable system for rewards and I see no point having a gold Dump for mostly garbage items still being in the game. Add Traders Tender to the Store so there still is a gold Sink for Whales make it have a cap on how much tender you can carry and Since Tenders are accont wide It makes more Sense ince you can have different reagons have different items *It not already. So realm hopping wont incure fees as far as transfers go and you can buy those items over there etc That woud suit the game more and still give people with 10’s to 100’s of millions of gold something to blow it on.

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