Let's Have A Real Discussion About Fixing the Black Market Auction House

Legendaries :slight_smile:

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Calm down, darlin. Times and dates are important here, because of the f up with the whole bmah, aye? If it’s put in to picture where folks can see it, it makes a bigger impact.

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Blizzard. please listen to your players.

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Agreed the mount showed up last month on a EU realm on March 10th.

But its been over 7 months since it was last seen on the US realms.

And lets take into account the mount shows up once in 7-8 months per region, it could decades to show up on your realm.

And this makes it impossible to attain and its availability from the BMAH crate is unknown as no one has ever claimed to have looted one from it.

Well, I’d probably go down as the first person to buy a forum boost, but it’s not necessary (and may even be against ToS) :wink:

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Doesn’t that sort of defeat the purpose of it being an AH? So now you just want to turn it into a merchant that sells rare removed items?

Yes, and the reasons for why were explained. Keep in mind there’s other proposed solution(s) to help out the BMAH if it remained in an AH format. What are your thoughts on those?

Pppsssttt… that was the purpose of showing the real, actual numbers (ie date/server in this case) in black and white, aye? The discrepancy between when and where it shows up, and the timelines, yeah?

It’s not as easy for Blizz to rug sweep, when you give precise time stamps. And god knows Blizz is well practiced in rug sweeping. This is the same kind of thing they did back in MoP with the Sha of Anger mount drop (or, ya know, when the durn thing was NOT dropping, anywhere, at all).

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Yes thank you for sharing accurate information on the subject.


Your motivations for posting that were not clear to me. I think I understand. I’m not fond of your presentation style but I agree with the content behind it.

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Does not much matter how it is presented (at least on the forums), as long as it is there for people to see. I’m a STEM major, and now I deal with hard (and Large) numbers of currency on the daily. Facts are what I deal with. People tend towards getting a better grasp on things when they can see the evidence of them, they tend to internalize it more.

It does matter. It came off as a “it was just up last month why are you crying?” post that seemed to minimize the problem, which is why I defended my claim the way I did. But I understand what you were trying to say - just showing how it was on an EU realm and in agreement with my claim. Delivery of the facts is as important as the facts themselves.

Nowhere in my post does it indicate that. You tend to be very defensive/quick to lash out on the forums. It comes across like that, in any case. Hence my very silly/jesting, “Pppssttt” addition, to things there (a bit of brevity, aye).

Someone adding in something is not raining on your parade, unless it is specifically stated. Not everyone on the forums tries to neg on other people for the lulz.

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It’s GD. You’re assumed hostile unless it’s clear you’re not. Nothing personal.

If Blizzard had an actual feedback-only forum that was heavily moderated and this discussion occurred in that venue, it’d be different :slight_smile:

Hopefully. The issue with these sorts of efforts is they fizzle out. Gotta pick one thing and stay strong on it I suppose.

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Still price-gouging leggos?

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I did not read everything, just the first few posts. I also don’t use the BMAH.

That said, I like the ideas present.

I think for rare items, there should be a finite number of them (10 Tigers, whatever), AND that the purchase should essentially be a lotto ticket.

“We have 10 tigers, buy a ticket, we’ll mail the winners at 12 noon” or whatever.

This lowers the crisis of “having to be there” no matter what, eliminates sniping, the “5000 tigers” problem (though I agree with the 24hr hiatus for character transfers anyway), and the gold cap issue.

It also lets them potentially just offer up more items more often.

Yea, it’s more RNG, but it’s “better” RNG than what they have now, and it also kills the cross faction selling services.

To me, it simply feels “more fair”, even if it doesn’t offer “unlimited Brutosaurs” (which is, perhaps, a bad thing).

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The odds should be disclosed upfront with anything that involves gambling like that when real money can be involved. The tickets also shouldn’t require multiple tokens to buy either if such a thing were to ultimately happen. Those would be my two stipulations on something like that that I can think of at the moment. It’d certainly be far less degenerate than the gambling loot boxes that are up there currently.

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Brutosaur shouldn’t even be on the BMAH, it should be a vendor buy at zandalar for 5mil, like it was originally before the artificial scarcity scumbaggery.


I don’t disagree and also think it should still be on a vendor, but that’s a different subject with different threads :frowning:

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