Make every class on retail have every ability and talent ever
And petless Beast Mastery!
now you’re thinking with portals. i t hink we should add animal companion to MM too while we’re at it
Lone Wolf Rune, done.
Animal Companion Rune(soon™?), done.
Maybe Retail ought to employ the Rune system…
Rather, the vast majority became resigned to a 2 spec class.
More like 1 spec class. MM (other than when DR was bugged to do more damage) has been played less than SV
times change, chud
lol, /char
They should make survival with range or melee by choosing different hero talents. But sorry, they’re incapable right now.
You can already do that with Runes now in SoD. Runes makes it VERY easy to switch ranged vs. melee play across the entire class board. It’s actually pretty cool that with Runes alone, a Hunter can choose to SPECIALIZE in melee.
they should do that with marksmanship and beast mastery too
Keep Survival the melee spec, just give us the option to dual world like Drizzt and Rexxar please. Old survival is gone, it doesn’t need to come back.
Current Survival is awesome. Of course it is not perfect; the implementation of dual wield is something that most of the community still wants. I still wonder why we have Mongoose bite and Raptor strike in the talent tree . On a personal level, I don’t like wildfire bombs; I prefer to have Fayed shot back instead; it had better animation/sound effects. Besides all of the above, survival is fun.
This is said after two years of being total crap, which was brought on by all the complaints of Mad Bombardier.
That’s a two-year standing in the corner or in children’s timeout for absolutely no good reason. It shouldn’t have taken THIS long to enjoy SV as is in 11.0-11.1; this should have been live since 10.1. Blizzard has proved it well enough that they can punish Hunters. This is why MM and SV need to get their own two-spec class away from BMs.
So while SV is just now picking back up, I’m concerned about how long it’s going to stay that way. This is Microsoft now so let’s hope.
I agree with you, this was almost abandoned by the the developers. The lack of response was really infuriating. Between turning into melee and the awful talents, it was really rough. I’
m glad that things are running good now, and I hope the get even better not just for Survival but BM and MM too.
A two-spec class consisting of “Marksmanship” and “Survival” is the manifest destiny now. I believe they can work together in peace, redressing things to their OWN class developer(s), so that the colossus of a community that is BM can fend for themselves.
The Hunter class, for the longest time, has been of the BM main’s point-of-view, what’s good for them, what they think ought to be. It already has happened, predictably, with the pet issue for the new MM rework.
This year is still fresh, and with Midnight coming out next year, this is now the PRIME TIME to separate MM and SV away from BM. For the first and last time, I want Blizz to ignore every Hunter main that opposes it. I’m going to be very upset if it doesn’t happen by or within Midnight’s cycle.
Hunter will otherwise continue to be a 3-spec mixed-bag pygmy thing.
Playing Surv the last month has been the most fun I’ve had on this game in a while. Was mainly playing it to gear the Hunter up for the MM rework, but I think I’m sticking with Surv anyway.
It’s nice being able to play a melee spec that isn’t a spammy APM nightmare and has some range to it.
can’t believe people are still going with that old topic. Time to move on. Nothing to see here.
I also do not like throwing bombs. Not sure what else they could do besides “hit enemy with stick” different though. I’ve always wanted a shotgun blast for close range AoE instead. I don’t hate the idea of the bombs, just not all the time. And I miss the miss the little mini-game of the different flavors/colors/interplay.
this thread is funny. i feel like a lot of people dont really know what they are talking about when RSV is mentioned. in the few xpacs it existed it was just a really fluid spec back when specs were a lot more limited than they are now.
hunter specs had mostly the same core and talents. people back then didn’t want to play BM or MM for the same reasons as now, BM was mostly pet reliant and MM had to cast aimed shot (besides HFC). SV appealed to the people in the middle.
arguing about it’s theme is sort of silly considering it is still applying dots and shooting explosive things, in fact it even has explosive shot resets again. it is just in melee instead of range now.