I still think making Aimed Shot a choice node with old Explosive Shot would be a enjoyable, but that’ll never happen.
Fantasy of tossing cluster of bomb’s in melee blowing yourself and pet up with whatever you are fighting with sounds more like goblin sapper than hunter to me
If anything what survival is now should have been a tinker class so many people are asking for.
is this any different than rsv? youre still shooting bombs at your target with the pet and your allies right there
It’s not trash lol just cause you can’t hack it as it doesn’t make it trash I will agree though that the old survival spec shouldn’t of been taken away though.
Nope I would much rather get a melee option for BM. Survival is too tech heavy. I want a savage hunter that fights like the beasts they tame.
Those posts got thousands of replies. Yours here has 20 some. lol. Perhaps old SV wasn’t as popular as you recall. Could also be that MSV is growing on people. Either way, classic is over there.
When are you going to stop making sense? This is the hunter forums. There is no place for sense, common or otherwise.
The main thing I remember about ranged Survival’s niche, was how in WOTLK it was teh early magic damage alternative to MM if needed during content if your armor pen was too low to make MM worthwhile. But once you get enough armor pen, MM out-scaled it. I do remember Multishot spreading Serpent Sting and watching the numbers fly being satisfying.
Other than that, right now pretty much all the defining elements of it have moved to MM. Black Arrow, Lock and Load etc. So to get it ‘back’, you would need to cannibalize current Marksmanship as well.
My opinion is that the level of outscaling was overexaggerated. In my guild at the time we had two top hunters, me and another. She went MM and I stayed SV. Our parses were always neck and neck. I think whatever I lost in “ideal” damage I gained back in better mobility than her – no Aimed shots to have to abandon to move out of the fire.
Like an EQ Beastlord.
what kind of “give a pig a pancake” nonsense is this
The Arbalest
Clad in heavy armor and able to vanquish foes with her massive crossbow, she is like a living embodiment of a cannon. Her life of war has given her many skills for the battlefield such as marking down targets, raining arrows upon her foes and even firing bolas to disrupt the enemy’s formation. She also learned how to dress and treat wounds, and can apply makeshift healing upon the battlefield.
I’ve always said as long as they can bring the theme and similar gameplay of old Survival to MM I’d love it and not complain too much. While they did move some abilities over, it was never quite the same.
–The MM pet debacle almost killed Hunter for me as a whole as I LOVE MM, but still want the option to have my pet as a HUNTER, particularly while solo.
–I’ve always found BM boring.
–Melee survival I’ve always had a grudge against (I’ve MOSTLY gotten over it haha) but strangely enough enjoyed the clunky mess it was at the time while I was getting all 36/36 Mage Towers done (Mongoose Bite go BRRRRRRRR!). While I don’t hate melee survival nowadays, I also don’t like it enough to main it.
It’s a long shot, but I’d love if they found some way to bring back Ranged survival at least in spirit, with like a class skin or something.
While we’re at it, we should get a Hero talent tree that allow BM to use melee one hand/two hand weapons as well, a bit duplicitous but name it Beast Mastery after Rexxar and other named NPCs with the hero class. One branch could be ranged SV, the other melee BM.
we should add melee MM while we’re at it too
Stuffs polearm into gun “This is now a harpoon gun!”
Onyxia: sweats at the sight of the largest polearm possible now stuffed into an ordinance cannon
Truth is, maybe SV is too hard for most. The amount of macro you need to be as efficient as other classes, and the playstyle is definitely not a straight forward one. But I personally think SV is very strong, I win most duels, actively pressing like 20 buttons in a fight yes but it’s so resourceful and I love being the underdog; you can bait people so hard.
Look at what SoD is doing. One Rune makes any spec petless. One Rune gives Dual Wield Specialization, Raptor Fury, Melee Specialist, Hit and Run, Carve, and so on. You can do melee MM in SoD right now, and there’s already epic 1Hers for it: Peregrine and Kestrel.
You just really can’t compete with that within the official channels. That’s the tough cookie: anyone who wants to be a melee Hunter is over there. They know they can’t do it in Retail.
If you want to be a Drizzt Do’Urden with Twinkle and Icingdeath, it’s not here.
We need to make every spec in retail function like Drizzt. Imagine a nice melee Marksmanship Hunter or a dual wielding holy priest with a panther
In other words, multiclassing? UNOFFICIALLY there’s a way to play WoW quite like that…