Let’s be honest: the current SV hunter is and always has been trash and one of the least-played specs in the game. It can stay a 4th spec. Let’s get old SV back finally. If MM gets their way, so should people who mained the original SV hunter for a decade.
When it first came out at the end of WoD I fell in love. I loved the idea of a melee hunter but the current SV spec didn’t do it for me. I literally fell in love with it and have been SV since. Don’t take this from me please. It’s all I have in this cruel world
Survival is currently more popular than Subtlety > Preservation > Augmentation, making it the 4th least popular spec according to Data for Azeroth.
I’ve never met more people playing Survival. Old Survival was a meme, niche spec. Now you see it well represented in mythic raiding and performing better than at least half the dps specs out there.
It sucks when something you like changes but i think we might see an uptake in who plays this spec going forward. It might not feel as fun to you personally but its become a lot more viable in general.
I only play Survival as an offspec of an alt class. I guess its a bit of an outsider opinion, but even on other classes, I’ve never grouped so much with Survival hunters as this season.
Dang SV hunters taking all my loots. And everyone else for that matter. It’s all hunter loot!!!
Yeah, nah.
Melee Survival is awesome. One of the best changes they ever made.
The pet players won and Pet MM is going to be stronger next patch than it is now.
Its joever, best hope we can have for a spec that can solo content without a pet and is balanced around soloing content around a pet is a tinker or third dh spec if they get a bow\gunner spec.
I’ve been here since way before you, and they took MY spec away. IDGAF if you like it now or not, frankly
yeah we need MM and MM with dots!!
That ship has sailed.
Imagine the rage and tears that will come if a new class spec is introduced for archer/sniper. The same people who cried about pets they don’t even use will lose their minds.
Maybe once upon a time I would have agreed with you, but SV has really grown on me over time. I swap between SV and BM pretty regularly and find SV a ton of fun.
An dem’s da union seniority rules! Oh, wait … seniority means nothing here.
As much as I love old ranged SV, I don’t think it would work in the modern game. Since moving onto melee, it’s developed its own playstyle and niche, and that’s good for it.
I’ll still never touch it and consider hunter to only have 2 specs, but that’s a personal choice.
Not really? Like, it’ll still be sub-optimal compared to running just the eagle. You’ve lost nothing and gained all the rework that you otherwise praised.
maybe they could implement some choice nodes that allow you to choose either raptor strike or a ranged equivalent, either butchery or a ranged equivalent, and then just keep the spec as is and make it a choice between melee or ranged with just a few choice nodes replacing the melee abilities with ranged ones at the players discretion
that would keep the melee survival fans happy, and give the ranged survival fans their spec back, without upsetting either camp. you might need to rework a cooldown or two, im not sure a ranged surv hunter would want to run up and channel spear thrusts for 5 seconds, but im sure an alternative could be found.
why not just make a choice node that gives MM a stronger dot lol
I think survival class fantasy is pretty cool as is. Only reason I don’t touch it is cuz they don’t let me dual wield 1h weapons with it. But I really don’t think we need all 3 of our hunter specs to be slightly differently-flavored ranged dps, which is kinda what they were before the surv redesign. I appreciate the diversity of playstyle.
This is an unpopular opinion and I accept that, but if we were to see any sort of survival redesign, I’d prefer it to be a healer spec based on a survivalist field medic class fantasy. Plant-based salves, potions, adrenaline injections, stitches, cauterization, bandages, maybe a little nature magic to top it all off, etc. In general, I think every class that has only dps specs should be adapted to have at least one non-dps spec—whether that means changing an existing spec, or introducing a new one, I don’t really care. But I know that’s not how everybody feels! It’s just what I, personally and selfishly, would prefer, as I like having role flexibility/the ability to fill my party’s needs regardless of what character I’m playing.
im not sure marksman players want to have to deal with dot tracking on top of everything else in their kit, and im not sure survival players want to deal with cast bars.
i could be wrong though, im a sample size of 1.
“m-my experiences are more important and have more value because ive sunk more time into this game than you!!!”
hmm what a convincing argument…
NOT! (world famous quote from borat)
Ive played longer than OP and I prefer MSV so that means it must stay
I loved survival back in Cata, but I love the melee surv. Took a bit for me to appreciate it, but damn is it fun.