Let's End the Toxicity - Give Ion and the Devs a Break

If you genuinely love the game, constructive criticism is 900% necessary.

Loving something does not mean you see no flaws in it. It means you love them despite the flaws, which you try to help solve.


The GCD takes some adjustment, but tanking is fun on there.


Do they offer a free trial?

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Here’s the rub: None of us know whether the decision to release 9.1 in such a sorry state was a game director decision or upper management/corporate. I’m leaning toward the latter because most devs really don’t like tons of negative feedback and super hate having to go fix something that would have been detected had they had enough time to to polish testing.

Now, there are things they should have caught like dying in the southern half of Korthia porting you to Vault of Secrets, an island with no way to get to your body while dead, or the Great Vault. Those are things we’re absolutely right to gnash our teeth at. But only so long as we aren’t being abusive. No cussing at them, no calling them names, but do feel free to let them know how you feel in a civil manner.

FWIW, having to eat res sickness due to the aforementioned graveyard placement in Korthia got me to just shut the game down last night and go play Chasm instead. I got super frustrated because I had to eat hundreds of gold in durability loss, res sickness, and twiddling my thumbs doing nothing while it passed. Perhaps it’s time for them to revisit how death is handled in the game so this doesn’t continue to be a constant issue with GY placement. Either way, it sucked and I let them know it sucked.

But in the end 9.1 seriously needed a lot more time in the oven. The cheese was still half frozen. :confused:


If Blizzard has limited resources. They should not be wasting them on failed concepts like Torghast and Conduits. Its about resource management. So much was wasted on covenant abilities and what did people do? They pick whatever was the meta is.


WoD had the best PVP gearing system in the history of this games existence.

How does one mess that up? The work was already done for you.


Respect is earned, not given.

Ion has never once showed any empathy or compassion from people who don’t play the same game as him.


How much time is enough time? It seems like Blizzard had ample time between launch and Tuesday to iron this out, yet here we are.


People need to distinguish between the teams, rather than lump everyone together.

The team that does things like class design, class balance, and systems like covenants, is totally different from the people on the content teams that design the zones and makes the quests and does the dungeons and raids.

I think the system people have been doing a poor job the last couple expansions, but the content team continues to knock it out of the park.


A good amount of that time was spent fixing broken things in 9.0.2/9.0.5 and backtracking on a few things. SL launch was premature itself. It’s kind of a knock on domino effect.


Maybe you don’t understand it either? Or maybe you don’t understand that I made a choice? Or maybe you’re just being snide and hoping to I’ll reply with an angry rant, aka trolling?


I say , let them whine

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This is wrong. That’s not why people complain.

So it takes a good portion of 7 months to fix things now?

Wont ever happen.

You buy an item from a store. It has to be ordered. The clerk calls the supplier and is assured of an ETA.

The ETA is a week. Supplier problems, shipping delays etc blow it out to six weeks. You get angry and frustrated, what do you do?

I will put money on it you don’t call the supplier or the shipping company, you’ll call the clerk and yell at them even though it is out of their control.

Humans don’t think like robots, we think based on emotions.


Dev’s? Maybe.

Ion? No. He has been leading the game in HIS personal direction for years, not what is the the best interest of the players. He is just looking to double down on elitist output pumping and cares nothing for the fantasy adventure / RPG aspects of WoW.

Dude needs to go. The Dev’s at least have the safety net of having to do what the leadership decides and making the best of it. Ion is a systems guy and a spreadsheet enthusiast who caters to mythic raiding and cares little for the rest.


I’d give them a break if they lowered the sub fee


Ion is a terrible lead dev. He shall get no reprieve from my ire!


It isn’t. When the devs work with the players who invest their free time and money into the game the players are generally going to be happy.

If you, Ion and the devs want a more positive community you might want to suggest to the devs here to take a page out of the book of the game you recently started to play.


No. They aren’t. They have more money than God at their disposal. Try again.