Let's Do Another Demon Expansion

We didn’t get to kill Sargeras on Legion, which means they are saving him for later.

Which means they have at least one more Demon Expansion planned.

Let’s do it!

A good opportunity to make more Warlock pets.

Maybe we’ll even get to visit the Succubus World or something. That would be fun :smiley:


I think the next three expansions have been announced

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Yeah, there’s tWW, Mid and tLT

Obviously tWW and Mid will just be some Void nonsense, but I hope Demons will play some part in LT.

Don’t Warlock have some control over the void too? :robot::thought_balloon:

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Oooh, I love a good turkey, lettuce, and tomato sandwich.


Wrathion has to predict it first.

A tiny little bit, yes.

A few shadow spells here and there. And I also have a Voidwalker that for some reason doesn’t wear any clothes.


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I mean it’s called The Last Titan, so smart money says Sargeras will be a factor.

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That’s where my hopes lie :smiley:


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Thought Azeroth was the last Titan.

:crossed_swords::hammer_and_pick: Yes :crossed_swords::hammer_and_pick:

I really enjoyed the legion instances around Azeroth

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She is!

And Sargeras is always looking to either marry or kill her, maybe both lol

Maybe, maybe not. The end of Amridrassil hinted that she might not be a Titan at all.

If true, that’d make Sargeras the last one by default.

Hot breath in your ear:

“The Legion’s end draws near.”


Stop staring at the Legion’s end :face_with_monocle:


yeah but I’d like to be able to play Shivarra or Shivan’s the 6-armed demonic species introd into wow as a playable race.

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I think the whole point of Legion was to wrap up the burning legion storyline and call it a day. It’s not like demons are going to get written out of the game completely, but their storyline has basically been done. They don’t really need another expansion dedicated to them at this point.

true, but what about rogue legion/demons with a new leader… or what about the death knights creating a new order…

Let’s hope Dragonflight does the same for dragons.

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