Demons existed long before the Burning Legion was created, and they will keep existing long after it ceases to be. They are a feature of the Universe.
It’s kinda like with the Undead. There was the Scourge. We roflstomped the Scourge. The Scourge is no longer a threat. But we still had another expansion about the Undead AKA Shadowlands.
I would like another Demon expansion. The Burning Legion is optional lol
Here’s what I would do if I was in charge of WoW:
We know time passes faster in the Twisting Nether, so during the years since the Legion’s defeat, thousands of years could have passed for the Demons.
So I would make it so that Sargeras escapes jail and he wants to reform the Legion, but most of the Demons don’t want to join because they’ve been free for thousands of years and they don’t want to go back to being Sargeras’ slaves.
In fact, there could be an entire generation of Demons that was never part of the Legion at all.
So in this expansion we would go to some Demon worlds to save these Demons from Sargeras. Sargeras is the villain, some Warlock is the hero, and the point of the expansion is to kill Sargeras and prevent the rebirth of the Legion.
Funny enough there was a mystery on the alliance side in tiragarde sound about missing gnomes
…and an odd pet that also went unnoticed by the community before Mechagon’s release.
As a gnome, i’m not going to fault them as so much was going on in BfA that people were talking about Sylvanas, Saurfang, Anduin, Shadowlands (what have we done?!), Lightbound, Azshara, and N’zoth.
sry but you will have to wait around 6-8 years from now. and during this time we will have to put up with anduin bawling his eyes out underground in a cavern somewhere.