Lets do a vote right here re: TBC

Given you got one wish regarding this issue, how would you want TBC released?

  1. Not at all. Let Classic stay forever at P6.
  2. Release as P7 adding it to current Classic Servers.
  3. Release new BC servers and allow transfers to them $$$$.
  4. Release new BC servers but all toons begin at level 1 and must progress through all content.

I vote number 4. I would not mind a fresh start. They could merge Classic servers that suffer population problems.


Starting at 58 or at level 1 on a fresh server are the only ways they will do BC. Allowing Classic characters to 60 is an awful idea.


Retain your character though at 60, not Transfer, but a Copy to TBC.


That’s my vote as well. #3, but one COPY to separate TBC realm only.


TBC should not be added onto classic servers. Not everyone wants TBC some people would not mind living on Classic servers forever. If TBC is a thing its needs to be its own servers give everyone a level 58 character in green’s and let them start the TBC experience. No need to ruin the game for others like myself who want nothing to do with any part of WoW unless it is classic


A vote right here would be meaningless.

It would be a vote of “people who read all the GD posts” (I do), combined with “people who respond to poll/vote requests” (I don’t).

It would not be a vote of the playerbase. It would not be an accurate representation of the playerbase.

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Note that if you do allow players to copy their classic characters to TBC servers, each account will be allowed only one copy. Otherwise you could transfer all your gold and valuables to one character, copy it, transfer your gold to another character, copy it, etc etc. Basically manufacturing gold from nothing.

Even then, you might run into issues with players transferring gold from characters on one account to characters on another. Thus STILL causing inflation.

IMO the best way to avoid this is to just have players start fresh. The TBC servers will be completely independent of Classic servers. No need for blizzard to create some kind of connection between the services.


I vote 2

10 chars


Easiest solution to preserve Classic, avoid copy issues, and replicate the TBC launch as closely as possible:

Step 1. Create TBC platform. Just like the vanilla classic platform we have today.

Step 2. Snapshot all servers in their current state when launching the TBC platform.

Step 3. Copy the servers in their entirety to the TBC platform, thus creating a ‘Classic TBC Benediction’ and maintaining the ‘Classic Vanilla Benediction’ server.

Everyone plays what they enjoy, Classic isn’t overwritten, servers are saved and progressed simultaneously, economy is in tact for both, ranks are preserved, the works.


Starting characters at level 58 would allow me to have a donkey ton of alts, I’m going with that option I guess.


Copying servers or characters allows all that layer generated gold to go over and infect TBC. Lets not let that little mistake impact the next start please.


While character copies would open Pandora’s box, server copies at the least maintain the current servers.

Would you suggest a fresh restart for everyone? How many servers would be initialized? Would they also begin with layering?

If you receive a new 58 toon or even level 1, is anything preserved? What about your rank? The same rank that could have been gained via botting. What is the impact to players grinding gold/items/ranks legitimately?

A server copy would be the closest to how TBC was originally released, which is the intent of the Classic project - as close as possible to a true recreation.

Of course there are flaws, and will be flaws going forward. But in the end, it’s easy enough to make a mage and print gold anyways, especially once progressed into TBC with the ability to farm vanilla content.

It seems a lot is lost for the sake of mitigating the relatively small fraction of players that effectively layer exploited from migrating their ill gotten gains onward.

I see where you’re coming from but the two alternatives to prevent this would be: completely fresh servers, which isn’t remotely true to TBC launch, or free 58’s, which also has a host of issues - does anyone get one? Is it only for those with a 58+ in vanilla? Is it one to one - I have 3 60’s, a rogue, mage, and hunter so I get three 58’s, a rogue, mage, and hunter? Why would 2 levels and the raid gear I had be wiped? What about my Thunderfury and ZG mounts?

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im fine with 1 or 2.

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Would prefer a fresh economy at least if Xfers are invloved

1 or 2 that is all.

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Option 1 obviously isnt even an actual option soooo

Going with 3.

  1. I really want TBC.
  2. By removing Vanilla, people will start asking for Vanilla again. While I’m sure most want TBC, there are many that only want Vanilla.
  3. That’s a big no from me and, I’m sure, most others.

I just want everyone to be happy but face facts, the happiest time for die hard classic players was fighting for classic to be introduced. For these people we need all classic servers to become BC servers with no servers maintained as classic only. Then those who want can fight for blizzard to introduce classic. It might take years, Blizz will say “You think you do but you don’t.” But in the end, probably about the time Wrath classic is introduced, you’ll get your classic servers with #nochanges. It’s the only way for everyone to be happy.

Anyone saying fresh is wrong, the whole point is to progress your characters. Not start all over, I wouldn’t even play if I have to start over.


People start over all the time. They reroll to a new class or even a new faction. Why not start fresh with TBC? I say release TBC on fresh servers and let folks scrap their way through the entire game. This is not even something we experienced in classic!

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