Lets do a vote right here re: TBC

copy a lvl 60 over to TBC server.


awful idea is EVERYONE at hellfire peninsula at level 58

if you think classic launch was a living hell wait until all characters of all faction in hellfire leveling

i vote for that, i want to play classic with my char and copy him to the tbc sever

I’d prefer for it to never happen. The calls for a classic vanilla always realm started as soon as TBC launched.

Id accept a TBC that didnt destroy the always vanilla servers that people wanted and pushed for. No one was pushing for a full WoW timeline reboot, but I wouldn’t be upset if they did it.

If they made TBC servers that were separate from the classic ones, I’d be ok with a one time copy (not transfer) of each character to a TBC realm. That was you could still be on a classic forever realm, and also start on TBC if you or your guild wanted to. (It would have to be one time in order to prevent gold and item duplication exploits)

i was just watching an asmongold video talking about that and he came up with an idea

basically he was saying to allow people to copy their toons to a tbc server with only their soulbound items in order to not mess with the server economy, erasing all their gold, flasks, mining items, herbs, etc.

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I would like to copy my classic characters over to a separate TBC realm.

Everyone starting fresh at lvl 1 on new servers would also be an easy ideal option.

Most importantly I hope TBC is not rushed, let everyone have a decent shot at Naxxramas before we all get pushed through the dark portal.

I want to be able to copy my character onto a TBC server. That way we keep the classic servers and those who want tbc can continue on.

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  1. Was hyped but no longer care, due to the crapshow they made of Classic.

/raises hand

I don’t know what options 1 & 2 mean… And I don’t like your other options.

Release new servers and clone the Classic one to it so everyone starts at their level. There’s no reason to pay to transfer and there’s no reason to start at level 1.

Make anyone who wants TBC start at level 1.

If you do level 58 then there’s a huge chance Outland will be so packed that lag and the economy will be bad.

So every time we start an expansion should everyone start at level 1? This has never been a thing and makes no sense.


Allow a one time copy of each character to the new TBC server makes the most sense. It’s the most organic way to do it without removing any current Classic WoW servers.

Edit: Wait. A copy would no doubt be exploited. Instead, it should be what went out on the mailing survey. Servers Progress to TBC and you can transfer any character to a permanent classic vanilla server.

This is classic, not a standard expansion. If you want standard then go back to retail.

The authentic vanilla experience would be all servers progressing to BC.

Would be but that would make more than half the players straight up quit.

Putting level 58’s right at outland is a recipe for disaster. Outland is tiny, Vanilla struggled starting, I cannot imagine loads of 58s running around. Hm it would cause more complaints, so screw it, bring on the 58s!

That’s the second time I’ve heard that idiotic, trite remark today.

If they release BC - they’re releasing an expansion. There’s no reason to have people start all over on BC expansions; people should start at whatever level they’re at just like back in the day. It makes zero sense to have people restart. Zero.


More than half have already quit.

I agree that everyone starting at 58 is not the right decision. If they can figure out an unexploitable way to have a character copy to classic BC on separate servers than classic Vanilla Id be in support of that rather than the 58. Otherwise I’d be in support of everyone starting at level 1 rather than disrupting the vanilla servers.

I was simply taking a shot at #nochangers when I said the authentic vanilla experience post.

It does if you don’t want a jacked economy, want dungeons to be ran at lower levels and outland not to be a laggy mess.

That’s just me though, I like things to run smooth. If I wanted things running poorly and laughably, I’d play on retail. Which is probably something you should do.

I want Classic+.

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I see you have no idea what you’re talking about and are just trying to aggravate by saying that retail thing again. I’ll put you on ignore now, since you have nothing of value to say.

  • Continue playing my current Classic character on my existing server as it progresses to the Burning Crusade expansion, with the option to transfer to a Classic server that will never progress past level 60.

  • Start a brand new character from level 58 on a new Burning Crusade server.

  • Start a brand new character from Level 1 on a new Burning Crusade server.

  • Continue playing my current Classic character on my existing server that will never progress past level 60, with the option to transfer to a Burning Crusade server.

I would opt for option 3, if transfers and/or upgrade accounts are not available for that server. Otherwise, option 1.