Let's breakdown the MMR blue post

The more I read the blue post about MMR the more questions I have. I feel like a lot of times PvPers are just so happy to get anything now days (I am one of them) we let a lot of things slide and are just so relieved to even get a response.

Thank you for finally acknowledging us after we have been screaming at you for weeks.

I mean there are reasons for this. RSS had a ton more activity than the other brackets. It was easily accessible and new. In today’s world a solo queue mode is honestly more player friendly for most players who just want to queue.

All this says is you will be purposely holding RSS down in favor of 3s. Not sure how this helps? If RSS is the more active and popular bracket why can’t the highest ratings come from RSS? All this does is hurt both brackets. So if 3s continues to be less active than normal that will continue to hurt RSS no matter how active it is? How about instead of purposely deflating RSS in favor of 3s you inflate 3s to match RSS? Idk this seems like a negative to me, doesn’t help anything.

No I am not saying RSS should be as inflated as S1.

I don’t remember this being communicated at the start of the season, and if it wasn’t it should have been.

We are glad you noticed this. The player base certainly did and has been screaming it at you for weeks. This sentence is so weird to me because it makes it sound like you figured out the problem without acknowledging the player base has been telling you this at the same time. How long have you known this was an issue? When we first did? Could have communicated it weeks ago even with a “We are seeing the same issues you are and are monitoring it” would have been better than letting this fester.

So what does this mean? What does “substantially increased” mean? What is the gradual increase after that? What happens if nothing is changing? Will you make bigger changes to inflation later in the season if need be? Lot’s of questions here. This response almost seems like it was written to just get something out there. Why isn’t this more specific? Is the inflation for all brackets 3s/2s/RSS/RBGs?

Again more questions what are the numerous factors you look at? What caused this deflation issues? Was it a MMR bug like people speculated? Was it low participation? Was it just MMR was adjusted to low to try and rein in RSS from S1?

This post to me is a “lets get something out there” post before the week end. I honestly don’t think this was planned to go out yesterday. If it was, this isn’t much. Like I said above the community just seems so happy to get anything now days even if it’s almost nothing. We shouldn’t be patting them on the back for kind of telling us they are going to fix the MMR issue after having to scream at them, spam their social media and streams to get a response. Kind of insane.

Were are fixes to healer MMR that has been an issue since BETA?

Were are the healer incentives you said you would do for RSS in a blue post 6+ months ago now?

At some point something has to give here. Communication has been so good for every part of the game but PvP as well as responses to issues outside of PvP. Dev interviews for everything BUT PvP despite the fact people are asking you to do them, and reaching out to you to do them with no response. Long response times to major issues like the MMR issue, and still no responses for things as far back as BETA. Again something has to give here. It just feels like PvP is not being supported anymore.


RSS was also uncapped when 3s was capped


This seems a little unnecessary.


True which is why I said RSS shouldn’t be inflated like S1. But I don’t know if that would have taken away from it’s activity all that much. With the issue of LFG being so outdated and the constant having to find groups only to get one game in and look again, RSS probably still would have been a lot of more active, and even now would be if it wasn’t just hard capped to make sure 3s had higher ratings.

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Why is that?

Because he feels the need to pour cold water on every post










twitch chat at it again


This is basically how they “substantially increased” mount droprates so from 0.001% to like 0.01%. Lel

Basically the increase may not be meaningful at all is my guess

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Mists of Pandaria world bosses went from like 1 in 2500 to 1-5 in 100

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This would have been better than what they did do, but they could also just convert every reward to be percentile-based and never have to tinker with rating again. Some seasons would still be harder or easier in an absolute sense, but it would be less volatile in that way and the rewards would retain perfectly their representation of your relative skill level each season.


They could just also add more rewards which would also help. Have % base rewards and rating based rewards.


What’s wild to me is how blizzard spits in pvpers faces for so many years but we keep coming back for more.

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Because we’re addicts. And there’s no alternative. I’d pay good money to play a standalone arena game without the pve bulls*** and devs who didn’t make piss poor decisions.


Part of the reason they don’t wanna talk to us is probably because of how unbelievably difficult to please this community is. They can’t state exactly what number inflation is going to be because they don’t know. They have to monitor and adjust based on participation. The whole system seems really high maintenance to me. Seen some good suggestions about removing CR and implementing “leagues” on here in the past weeks. Maybe it’s something they need to consider.

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We already have “leagues” in the form of ranks and I’m not sure how removing CR would improve that.

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Just talking about some suggestions people have made about hiding mmr and making things % based again. Wasn’t my idea and there would obviously be nuances to it but I could see it working. Especially if it were worked in a way where you could do your seasonal rewards grind whenever you want instead of waiting until the time inflation does most of the work for you.

Im not gonna go through post by post and break down responses, but this is just absurd.

Im the first person to say that blizzard’s consistent lack of communication is entirely unacceptable and i literally stopped playing last season after the ret paladin garbage.

But all of this MMR deflategate bs is entirely a 100% playerbase problem that is made up and in their own minds.

First of all, this problem only exists because we moved away from percent titles. Whether or not people like that change is a different conversation, but it mattered because a gladiator was a gladiator and a duelist was a duelist.

Being a gladiator in s2 of slands and s2 of dragonflight are WORLDS different. It is PLAYERS who misconstrue titles and relative ratings, and that has nothing to do with blizzard.

There was no deflation this season whatsoever (in 3s). There was in shuffle because the inflation was absurd. Im not going to go around saying im 3600 xp because i got it in shuffle; that would overinflate my abilities significantly. Anyone who tries to compare their shuffles to 3s (which a LOT of people did) are only going to get a better comparison of their actual abilities now, and may not like where they end up.
There is nothing wrong with that. The number attached to your cr is the number that you deserve and that’s okay, regardless of how “high” or “low” it is.

I can explain how mmr works (and so could blizzard), but at the end of the day people don’t care. They just want to feel like theyre winning and getting rewards.


At this point, the MMR arguments and complaints are going to be active every season. I’d be curious to see how an uncapped system for every bracket with decay would work instead

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So for one they don’t really try and please the PvP community much at all. Second the PvE community and all the other ones complain just as much. They just see changes quicker especial raids and M+.

That is kind of my point and is the issue.

It’s over a month into the season they already can see participation to this point.

AH what?

This sentence makes zero sense. So a Gladiator isn’t a Gladiator now? How does % based titles change that?

The players set the titles, do the ranking system, set rewards, and decide how inflation works in a given season?

Not true but go on.

This is something people have always done whether it was % or not. People got titles in 2s/3s/5s and RBGs. This all didn’t change when RSS came around.

Unless there is issues with deflation and MMR. Sometimes it’s not what you deserve. This has happened in the past, with to much inflation and the ladder being deflated.

A lot of people have asked to see this. The problem is the rewards attached and they don’t want people getting them all at the start. Even though for some reason they allow it to happen in PvE. If RWF guilds can clear mythic in a reset why can’t the R1 players get glad in a reset?


i think the idea is to incentivize 3v3

if it’s easier to earn rewards in 3v3 you’re pushed into playing it if you want to follow the path of least resistance

but the path with the lowest barrier still exists just requires more time spent

seems reasonable

it was communicated in the bluepost addressing MMR last season when they started it week 10

the inflation exists solely to push people out of sitting early season rating for rewards
artificial inflation afaik is new to the game as of SLS2 and has come with an insane amount of issues

imo it’s time we rethink adding a rating decay so we can get rid of artificial inflation which ultimately would keep things more consistent between seasons

it’s fair to assume that instead of 3 mmr per day next week (which is the current norm) it will likely be 20 mmr per day next week then going back to 3 mmr per day once the ladder has been “boosted” for lack of a better word

participation this season is a third of what it was last season, naturally

no season 2 in this games history has had even 60% of it’s previous seasons activity and that’s because the majority of WoW players play wow like it’s a new triple A title release
not consistently throughout the 2 year expansion cycle

agree and disagree

there’s 30+ weeks this season and i don’t think it’s insane for them to view 2-3 week intervals as small enough windows for them to gather data

we as a community cry about a lot of things and the truth is the prominent voices aren’t always completely right but the army of consumers that follow them blindly aren’t in touch enough to know it

i don’t think it’s realistic to expect blizzard to immediately knee jerk react to the loudest voices on twitter without having the data themselves to make adjustments