Lets admit something about RDF

None of these folks will ever admit to it if they did. They are married to the idea of RDF and it can do no wrong.

I personally don’t care either way about it but at least I can admit when I’m wrong instead of taking the stance of “I’m always right” like so many on here.

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Wait until the honeymoon period is over.

i played some dungeons and ppl are pretty crap but meh. i had did sfk as rest o druid tank pulls those worgens (sry forgot the real name) after the first boss. they have the shield thing and by second pull i was 30% mp. said oom… which i last said that in era classic lol and he died just as the last worgen died. so he left the party lol. our mage was kind enough to provide water so good ending. that’s just one. a tank was picked up again and we went on our way.

i don’t care about the rng bad groups at least we can replace and keep moving. i only play heals so i just need to requeue lol. you’re gonna get bad groups, you’re gonna get good ones. always been this way lol.


3 posts in a row instead of just quoting, someone’s thirsty for attention.


3 posts in a row = I just got caught up reading - but thanks for trying to be clever (trying being the keyword there).

Agreed. Not only that, but the highest tier of dungeon content is now queueable and has a much easier to cross barrier of entry. This is a risk and a reward deal. We get access to much better gear, but so do people who would otherwise not be accepted, with the leader knowing full well that they would be a hindrance to the group. The upside to that though, is that you can always form a premade and use the LFD as a tool to save on travel time.

This is one of those things that’s just going to be subjective. I have had great interactions, before, during and I would assume after the introduction of the LFD, inside and outside of dungeons.

This is always going to be a problem. It’s not exclusive to LFD. It could easily happen in a raid. I sincerely doubt someone scans the group, to make sure no one from their server is there, so they can just act a fool. That person who ninjas important things from people will be dealt with, whether it’s here and now or later on.

Of course I understand. Anyone can understand. I just don’t agree with them. The pros definitely outweigh the cons here. I didn’t do a single dungeon on my journey from 1-80. Now that RDF is out, I do several dungeons every day. Sure, I get the occasional idiot, the occasional jerk, the occasional new person that needs help. There’s all types that the floodgates have opened to. This is not necessarily a good or bad thing. Like I said earlier, it’s subjective.

Oh no I got blacklisted on a 37k active characters server, it’s over for me.


there wasn’t much socializing to begin with

server blacklists meant nothing once server transfers became a thing


I haven’t seen any of that behavior.

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They never meant anything on a server with a large population in the first place, now or back in the day.


:joy: :roll_eyes:

Then make your own groups with people only on your server.

yeah this just started because of RDF. Gotcha.


I wonder if anyone has done a study on gamers. People are very friendly, social, helpful and then you add a random group finder to make grouping easer and BAM! Those same folks become evil, hateful and a bunch of meenies.



“people are meaner because of rdf.” this community has been one of the worst that I have seen in an MMO. anyone who blames rdf for it needs a reality check.


It’s cross realm… :man_shrugging:t2: folks from mega servers don’t play around meanwhile folks from ghost town servers move at a much slower pace and are not nearly as geared.

That’s a huge difference…

It will be bad once all the geared people stop running it. There wil be plenty of posts asking blizz to do something about the long DPS queues lol


Geared people won’t stop running it. Not when you can use scourgestones to buy primordials to sell on the AH.


You’re crazy. Literally zero change.

Unironically, I haven’t seen a single quitter yet. And I’ve run over 50-60 dungeons thus far across all my toons. It feels like an improvement tbh.

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WOW im highly disappointed i think i’ll be quitting some time soon any suggestions on a new game RDF has taken the classic way out of the game honestly might as well go play retail. this RDF has ruined my whole game play i hardly see any wpvp and i know a lot you guys love it but grobbulus was fine we have a thriving population with a faction ratio 50/50 so its wpvp heavy. RDF has just ruined a lot of the wpvp everytime you go to a daily dung… Guess what there will always be someone or a group there trying to not let you in. which is no longer an option. on a pvp server that’s the stuff that makes the game fun stuff like that is why i play a pvp server. Also it has ruined the social part of the game and thats alot of what classic was since tbc .Grobb realm has been perfectly fine from lvl 13-80 you can get into any dung on some of the lower lvls… Like 12-7 am yeah you may not be able to get into a dung but any other time we have no problem with getting into one. playing this game doesn’t even feel like classic. Is it going to be fake classic all the way to dragonflight like what’s the point. It is now the same game. So thanks for destroying a lot of peoples game play alot of us have been playing since tbc our realm did not need RDF I think it won’t be long before the population dies i’ve already noticed a huge difference i don’t know why you blizzard gave in to a lot of retailers asking for RDF and had to come along and ruin our gameplay yall probably did it on purpose to get some retail players back so the game don’t turn out like runescape good luck blizzard you’ve ruined another perfectly fine thing.

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Bye Felicia. All I’m seeing is someone mad that there’s less people in the open world for you to gank.