Lethon Horde Reconnections

The guild was Reborn IIRC. I was a troll priest there - Chetnik. Guild broke up literally right after I went on a 1month vacation. Came back to find myself guildless :frowning:

I was a BE Paladin, had some of the power ranger tier gear. Raided with Johnnyentrail in like some weird latin name guild. My brother Rimshot healed in Heartbreakers.

I was an officer in that guild, we were really proud of our progression even though Da Kine was just killing it.

Nah, Heartbreakers was pretty much neck and neck with us for a good long time overall. You folks also got the Sunwell KJ kill before we did.

Holy balls good to see you man! (Demonikus maybe Demonicus tbh I don’t remember either). The real question is whether or not you still have the candy wrapper that you would mess with every five gd minutes in vent.

Lol, those were reese’s wrappers. And yeah I still have a destructive love affair with them. How you been man?

Doing well man. Wife, kids, picket fence, killer dad bod :roll_eyes: the whole shabang. Damn I feel old writing that. Still play wow obviously - a few breaks here and there but more /played than I’d like to admit. Yourself?

Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan. I’ve got two kids myself now lol. I’ll let my daughter heal lowbie dungeons on my alts from time to time. God help those poor bastards. It’s good to hear you’re doing well man! We’ll have to game together soon for sure bud.

I was one of your tanks. I was the warrior that had a crappy PC that would crash all the time.

Haha if they can’t make it with her heals they deserve to die, no question. That sounds awesome as far as linking up to play. I mostly play horde on bleeding hollow these days I’ll get you btag when I get on next, mostly a weekend warrior these days.

Alright, sounds good. Ranazz#1746

Crack! What’s good dude! Need some Leilei and Shkarn up in here!

Good times back in the day! Hope Y’all are doing well!


Agorax, Orc Death Knight, NOMERCY, Dark Legends
Started during BC not Vanilla, :frowning:
Was a boss tank in NOMERCY during Cata
Used to sit by the AH in Valley of Strength
I sometimes troll too much.

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Wow, I think I can remember you. Was also in Dark Legends for the longest.

Name: Apotheosis
Race: Undead
Class: Warlock
Guild: Dark Legends

I can’t think of anyones names in particular anymore, just that I remember the clan. I was a scrub and still am, so I was mostly leveling. Never did late game content.

Hey, Da Kine!

Wow, hey Bann :smiley: Long time no chat. Hope you’re doing well - enjoying Classic?

Hey Thorg! All the OG faces creeping up here - good to see that even with all this time passing by, lots of cool peeps still around having a good time.

waves to Makaio as well

Hey Crackseed whats up

Hey bud! I’m buddies with Hung and Prox! Prox is playing on Stalagg horde side with . Hung isn’t playing anymore, but we’ve got his discord info if you wanted to touch base.

Beetskeet, you know we’re all playing on Stalagg right?

Papawoot Belf Paladin
Wootsauce Belf Rogue

The Bloodborn
Itto Ryu
Last Warlords of Lethon

Been playing retail on Illidan for the past few years, jump in head first to Classic and co-piloting a guild called Hivemind which is a conglomerate of retail guilds switching to Classic.