Lethon Horde Reconnections

In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Horde side of Lethon (US) in 2004-2006.

For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:

  • Your character’s name, race and class.
  • The name of your original guild on this realm.
  • The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.

Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.

To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.

Good luck finding your former mates!

Guild: The Scourge
Name: Draxus
Race: Orc
Class: Warrior

Guildmates: Ferryman, Eromond, Nighslash, Protostar, Death


Guild: A bunch (Johnyentrail was GM of 1 of them?)
Name: Okari
Race: Blood Elf
Class: Paladin

Guildmates/People I remember: Artemis, Johnyentrail, Hunglykeabear, Prox, Rimshot

guildname and name Protostar are extremely familiar, I was Okari, BE Paladin, did bunch of raiding

Too drunk to pull

Played Alliance. Corsica, Night Elf. Looking for Da Kine guild members. Switched to horde and played briefly with you guys in TBC.

Part of the one and only…

Guild : Crustaceous Deathsquad

Tauren feral druid

Name : Biff

Hi, I see a few familiar guilds lol. I can’t remember what guild I was in, but my GM was Hyphy. I played a warrior I believe, and I think my name might have been Malevolyn, maybe Harthal.

Lethon was one of those new servers after ZG had come out so I joined a racing guild and we were doing pretty well but I think BWL + some drama ended us. Really wish I remembered my guild name! Hope to maybe remember my old guild by seeing it in-game!

Name: Kashara
Race: Tauren
Class: Shaman
Guild: Guardians of the Claw

Name: Romile
Troll Mage

Broken Hope, Bone yard, and Mean Team were the guilds

Name: Sidh
Guild: Band of Blood

Hamsandwich, Tauren Hunter
Hyphy’s guild never made it to MC. After his 4 page ingame mail love letter to that pincushioned e-thot was shared around, he peaced out.

A lot of people went over to Eternal(?) Chaos, a guild of rerolled alliance from one of the big RP realms. They didn’t want to do shaman strat for Razorgore so they wiped to him for literal months.

Eventually main tank Xcel broke off and formed Apathy who would end up the dominate Horde side guild until breaking up after realm first Lady Vashj due to issues finding capable players to backfill.

Oh man Da Kine was THE guild back in the day!!

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Corsica rings a bell. I don’t think any of og Da Kine play anymore. I’ll ask Crackseed if any of the group that hated me still play. I still play other games with Zinterax and Homestar

Character name: Everdrunk, male orc warrior
Guild(s): Itto Ryu and then later moved into Da Kine
looking for anyone who might remember me or was in those guilds, good times had by all.
names I remember playing with are;
aranos, morrowin, roflstomp, bushmills

Character: Kelren, Undead Warrior
Guilds: Rerolled originally before it merged with Havoc due to it slowly dying. and then finally Da Kine where I mostly remained when I was in a guild.

Haven’t played since end of Wrath. Though Holynerf did get me to come back for like a day during Cataclysm or Mists before I quit again.

wave at Ham

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Damn, some old faces from both sides here :smiley:

Character: Crackseed
Guilds: Da Kine

Kelren you punk - wondered where you been man :stuck_out_tongue: - I know a few of our members re-built the Lethon Da Kine not too long ago (after the original moved to KJ under new leadership) but I’m not sure of the overall status.

Not active in WoW these days, but still hanging around some circles (also hooray for Discord as an overall means to keep in touch)

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moraitis vulnus was johnyentrail’s guild. Or at least the one I know him from

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Hi Crack, been making potions to send you all at once in the mail! and poping Lifegiving gem of course!

But been around, mostly on Steam. Think you are on my friends list on Bnet but I rarely sign in.

Even when I played Alliance I enjoyed Da Kine - it was a pleasure to join you guys for a while in WotLK on my shaman, Casafynn. Still miss you guys sometimes.

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