Lethon Horde Reconnections

Pazno <3 Long time man :smiley:

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Hard to believe it’s been… what? 11-12 years since Ulduar funtimes?

Where has the time gone - still, lots of great memories from those days.

Character: Jacindar, Beeter

Guild: The Bloodborn

Technically started playing just before BC was released, but would love to reconnect with some old guildies when Classic releases. Can’t wait!


Love ya bro, Hope you’re well, and hope to see you soon.

Much love to all the old school Lethon folks.

What’s up, Kelren, best wishes to ya.

Wyked, Makaio, and Bela still play. (God we are old) We are rolling alliance this time on Bloodsail Buccaneers.

Kelren!!! My favorite person to open world PvP. Virtually ever good PvP story I have starts with, “Kelren was attacking a raid and I…” lol

Torant, what did you play and what was your character name? Trying to jog my memory. I got into so many PvP fights, was kind of what I did. Was always looking for good fights and a challenge in PvP.

Also MAKIAO! How are you, Bela and Wyked? I think about you all from time to time!

Hi Mak :smiley: Always good to see you - hope the family is doing well!

Have fun on your new adventures in Classic.

Torant is Wyked

I was thinking about you guys and remembered my two favorite forum fallout posts.

“Crackseed gems stamina”
“Kelren pots during PvP”

Goo if times indeed. If you guys want some goofy RP times, come join us on Bloodsail Buccaneers. We’re just planning on some LOLs and having fun, nothing serious.

Character: Heirko, Tauren Druid
Guild: Da Kine

Hey there Crackseed, Makaio, Kelren, Wyked, et al. Hopefully y’all either remember me (if positive) or have forgotten me (if negative). I was a Da Kine original from the first Migration from Cenarion Circle to Lethon, left shortly before Cataclysm. Did some Raiding on CC as Resto Druid, but primarily Feral on Lethon.

I’ve tried dipping my toe in to WoW again a couple of times at the urging of friends who hadn’t played it when it took months (assuming you have a life) to hit 60, and was put off by how dumbed down everything had become. Classic sounds great to me, and I’ve been practicing on one of the Light’s Hope Legacy servers to get my groove back.

I’ve reserved names on Bloodsail Buccaneers, and would love to connect at least a little with y’all. I miss Bela’s Ascii Chat Bears! Not sure about leveling Alliance though. I’ve never gotten past 20 on that side.

Heirko! Course we remember ya :smiley: Hope you have fun with them on Bloodsail!

Heirko, great to see you. I was gonna do Bela’s bear rawr, but I forgot how. She’s playing a bear again, so you gotta log in to see it yourself.

We’re going alliance because there’s no topping the DaKine experience from back in the day, and we just want to see things from the other side.

Totally non serious, and trying to get into goofy stuff. Our first quest is to run Ragefire Chasm as lvl 15s. We’d love to have you along for the fun. Same goes for the rest of y’all. If we get enough people together, then Crackseed has to come back as a Nightelf Hunter and be GM.

And I missed you the first time I saw this thread Ham! Hope you’re well.

Hey Makaio and Crackseed, glad I’m at least a little memorable. If I’m honest I don’t think I could name over half the Raid core from 10 years ago.

RFC plan sounds fun. One thing I’ve never really done on either side is really work the low dungeons at level. I don’t think I’ve ever finished RFC in a group, only solo on a high level. Wailing Caverns I usually did only once per toon if at all for quests, and I don’t think I’ve done the Stockade at all. Maybe if I do Alliance in a group and not try to grind as fast as possible I’ll learn to love it. I’ll probably always have a Tauren Druid as well though, just fits me.

My Blizzard tag is Aleyn#11345 if anyone wants to connect that way.

Yeah, Kelren, Im Wyked. I had so much fun watching you attack ANY number of alliance.

Wyked is now a Gnome hunter named Tinkess. We went alliance. I never played alliance in Vanilla and we just want to see the other side. I used to be very pure in my Hordness. Good to hear from you.

Hey Crackseed. I miss those days of Stranglethorn Domination. You, Tsook and I just sweeping through the zone. Good times.

You mean the days of “Where there’s 1 Da Kine, there’s 40” ? :smiley:

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Exactly why I loved Da Kine, we are ready to start pulling raid trash and there goes a call for help in the guild channel. Bang, drop a raid on the gankers. :slight_smile:

Gah so many people to respond to!

Makaio, give belabear some tummy rubs for me! =P I’ll see about making a character to come hang out with you all.

Wyked, I still remember our first conversation on top of the auction house!

Heirko! Your one of the old school Da Kine members from before/when I joined! Of course I remember you! I actually have some old screenshots from raids with you in them.

Oh man the nostalgia. Hi Okari, I raided with you, I do believe. Played a lock named demonicus

Aw yeah.
Shout out too all the mad lads from Heartbreakers. And then the following Treehouse of Horror phase due to whatever drama went down. Stuff was weird yo.

MentalX (Asura) (Clamslap)
Gryvel (Atogatog)
Demonicus (Demonikus?)
That punk assz hunter that ninja’d my purple plums in a WC run. Lil punk assz bish. Fight me IRL I swear to god.
Morphus (Morphis?) (Probably Morphus)
Brahms (Brahmsy)

The warlock that consistently thought it necessary to clap my cheeks while I was doing dailies in TBC. As a resto shaman. Stuff was just awful man.

Anybody else I bellowed obscenities at over my tenure as a red mohawked moron hopped up on troll juice.

There’s others I’m forgetting I’m sure. Sorry. Moderate drug use and egregious blows to the head haven’t done my memory any favors. Hope yall are happy. Hope life has been kind too you.

(Your post contains a word that’s not allowed: Assz) Hell of a thing, that.

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