Let UwU Vulpera become dudu



Oh my… well when in Rome and all that.

(puts out a delightful tray of cookies for all to enjoy along with a questionable plate of Paint Chip Nachos for certain people).



Am I having a stroke?

Wow very rud.

He’s insulting u Av r u guna take that?

Why did you have to scar us with that image from Cats?

Oh, and she went and created another thread, asking for the mice from Redwall.

She’s talking in english in that thread however.

Yeah, she’s just trying to make people who enjoy anthro work look bad. Because I expect that thread will quickly devolve as this one did.

Because this thread is one of the rings of hell.

/throws rock at doggo

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please delete this

My dear god what in the hell is that gif :sob:?

I am asking fow youw suppowt in getting the foxes to be dwuids. I wouwd wove chu so vewy mwuch evewyone if chu couwd just comment and say how mwuch chu want rdudu foxes. UwU

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They tried to remake Cats. It was pretty much universally considered a travesty.

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Wow. It’s absolutely terrifying and I hate it.

I’m so glad I’m old and dont have to understand that

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I woved cats i have it on dvd and bwueway

While your words terrify on a rather remarkable level, I agree. I, too, want a vulpera Druid. But please god never say whatever that was again…

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Oh. Sure, more druids is nice.

I’ve apparently scarred some of you.


is a necessary evil.


<3 Awww tank you for your support <3


The original lasted a long time. From wiki (yes, I know, I know)

The London production of Cats ran for 21 years with almost 9000 performances. So yeah, the original was good. You don’t go 20+ years by being mediocre or bad.

That was the original, not the movie remake they tried.