You can’t use the door - no doggy hole
I’ll just link a wiki page…
This sound like the kind of word a toddler would use when asking to use the potty.
Is it cute nowadays to speak like a toddler?
Proof the playerbase is the problem with WoW
Nah it’s just a thing. Usually it is with vulperas, but this one draenei feels the need to make a whole thread filled with her baby talk
Stay away from the dudu, mon.
Whoa! And I thought Assembly Language was cryptic, but that stuff is just…whoa…
I have no such speech impairment, nor does anyone else of my kin (or should i say litter?) please cease your prejudice.
I’ve noticed that, it makes me cringe each time I play my vulpera.
She’s adorable, but the idea of going all…
just physically hurts me.
(you have no idea how hard was to even type those three letters…)
I have to admit to not yet having encountered it in WoW, but I have had the unfortunate experience to have witnessed it in secondlife.
I am also wondering if FF14 and GW2 have similar … communities.
I had no idea what you just asked for
she wants vulpera druids but spoke in a language called toddler talk. which out right confuses people.
I heard they got cat people there, so as a weeb I can tell you… yes, most likely. Well, FF does, no idea if GW2 has them.
Yeah, Java is pretty hard to read. In fact, I would rather read bash’s C lisp than Java.
dudu isn’t even uncommon slang, u better get used to it dudu
Here’s the thing: Your suggestion is bad.
and you should feel bad. But like, REALLY bad.
I play asura in gw2 exclusively, and never saw that in rata sum (our capital), so im thinking no…
Play on Ally and you can hang out with me, Kuudere Nasu
Maybe they’re lurking in the shadows, never know.
Cries in old-school weeb
I don’t understand any of that but I can feel it raising my blood pressure.
Relaaaaax guy, this is 20w0, it’s ok for u to sit back, relax, and embrace your inner furry/weeb UwU. I, Nasu will be ur kuudere guide on this magical geass adventure to unlock rdudu for the foxis