Let us walk around in TB


Yall, donā€™t be talking mess about Moo Mesa.


Cmon man my city sucks ( until Midnight comes out ) lemme have this for as long as I have left to do the joke lol


I agree with this, Iā€™ve heard that TB has the best steaks on Azeroth and Iā€™d like to try one!

For scientific reasons right?

You can disagree, but itā€™s kinda true. :eyes:
ā€” Everytime I go there, itā€™s a ghost town. lol

I would love if they added more to it, whilst retaining their themes & majority of their assets already there.

  • I suggested awhile back adding a secret access stairwell from the pools of vision in the city that strangely leads into ā€˜Earthsong Fallsā€™ (From Maraudon) in a mysteriously short walk.

  • Given the Earthen Elemental Lordā€™s daughter once resided there, itā€™d be cool for the Tauren to say the location holds a close connection to the Earth mother & thus why earthen elementals & life were drawn to it.

Just adding some small things like that would be great. :blush:

Well, I hang out there :woman_shrugging:

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Someoneā€™s gotta keep it company :heart:

Since most of us actually know our way around down there, Iā€™m good with that.

Be my guest, just watch out for those cow patties.

Do you really think that many horde will be hanging around the city after the first week?

I mean if California tells me anything about people addicted to stuff itā€™s that the belf city probably has a app to tell you where the local crack belves pooped.

I remember when we had pvp servers Iā€™d see a lot of alliance in Thunder Bluff as thatā€™s where I called home even though I mostly play BEs.

I miss those days. I wish we could talk with the other faction, too.

That could be a cool benefit of being exalted with Cenarion Circle.

And moved past

Its why I play Vulpera exclusively on Retail.

Much of what Warcraft was is just a pacifists bad dream these days.

Thereā€™s no real pride to be had in war here now.

I have an idea. One city for each faction that both factions can visit to show the peace between us but with the belā€™ameth debuff to remind us all that itā€™s over but we remember and true trust will take time

This is why faction identity is important, along with racial identity and class identity. Removing all of these ā€œfoR MorE opTIonsā€ was a mistake.