Let us walk around in TB

You make it sound like a pointless player division is a good thing

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I just want horde to be decent people and not rude tbh.

I am honestly not looking forward to having Ghostlands, Eversong and original Silvermoon relegated to a Zidormi phase. I hated it for Silverpine and Darkshore. :slightly_frowning_face:

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Nothing is stopping you now, except your inability to stop yourself from falling to your death after we thunderstorm you off.

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Faction conflict was what this game was built on.

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It succeeded in spite of the divide, not because of it.

I guess weā€™ll see. If the game survives another 18 years without the faction conflict, then youā€™ll be vindicated!.

Iā€™m getting really powerful ā€œOld Man Yells At Cloudā€ vibes from all the folks screaming that they want faction conflict back.

Okay, Peepaw, letā€™s get you back in your chair.

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What are you talking about, pvp has always been there and always will? BG3 is right there man you can buy it anytime.

Classic is right there you can go play it anytime.

I donā€™t see pvp going away, but if you know something I donā€™t? Cool?

If blizz made it a good amount of a grind like bloodsail rep for each city, Id be fine with all citys cross faction.

Furry gremlins > Hairless gremlins


:dracthyr_no1: :dracthyr_no2:

Thatā€™s a compromise I can agree with, however lets be honest ā€¦
ā€” The Alliance kinda already have him :rofl:

Best I can see would be them updating Lordaeron as a larger city (Like a city-city) with the zone now having a brighter atmosphere throughout the city ā€” Yet remnants around of the cityā€™s past ā€“ Like Blood smears on many of the walls along & claw marks, a canal that has bones littered under the water as its rubble & echoes of the voice of Arthas in other areas of the city etc

ā€” Then perhaps making Lordaeron as a venture city for both factions.

Okay but how funny would it be to have Undercity beneath Lordaeron for the Horde, and then topside belonging to the Alliance.

ā€œah yeah bud, we keep those wacky forsaken in the basement, Lordaeron is actually just a really big duplex unitā€


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Although it may not be grand as the other cities in the game, itā€™s still meant to act as the Nightelves new home after the destruction of Teldrassil.

Amirdrassil is larger than Nordrassil.

And as for Teldrassil, from a model point of view ā€“ Teldrassil was a stump.
A very LARGE stump :joy: But a stump nonetheless.

A home, sure. But right now, itā€™s nothing even remotely close to a functioning in game city.

Iā€™m not talking about in game models gimped by game engines. Iā€™m speaking from a lore standpoint. Teldrassil was a small continent in the sky, the trunk took over a large island. It had its own ecosystem and the branches were said to be larger than kingdoms. Nordrassil was even larger.

By those standardsā€¦ Amirdrassil is a tiny sapling.

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This is how you get the cane. Do you want the cane?

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Some great features still, but yeah I do agree its not really on par with a functioning in-game city. I kinda felt they copied too much from the Emerald Dream zone with the buildings, with minor changes.

However who knows, they may decide to update the city further & make it more grand (Although if they do, it probably wonā€™t be for a long while).

Mind you, Amirdrassil is a young world tree ā€“ Whereas Teldrassil was much older & still growing. It makes sense for Amirdrassil to not be as immense.

Nordrassil was large, but I donā€™t think it was as large as Teldrassil.
ā€” Although size aside, it was more powerful than Teldrassil - Having being blessed by ALL the aspects & not just a few, but nonetheless.

Even in both books & cinematics, Teldrassil was displayed as much larger than Nordrassil.

Bruh even Horde dont wanna hang out in Thunder Bluff. Why do yall?