Let Us Trade Rolled Loot To LFG Queue Party Members

It is so ridiculously stupid that we can’t trade loot to other folks or get loot from other folks in a LFG queued dungeon. For example, if I end up getting something that someone else wants, I want to be able to trade it to them if they need it more than me, and vice versa, but we can’t. Have some mana potions you want to give a healer who forgot to bring some water? Too bad, you can’t. Why? What point is there? So frustrating.

Is it?

Yeah. It might be nice if you could trade. Or just have that conversation beforehand.

Sure, automation ftw and all that, I guess.


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You can’t really have that conversation beforehand if it’s just a quick run with strangers and you don’t know what’s going to drop off of a boss. That’s a…very outdated opinion lmao.

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I can’t? Ok.

Thank you very much. I consider it Classic :wink:


It’s…Cataclysm dude.

OK. I’m really not sure what your point is.

There ya go. Good luck with stuff.


You talk with your LFG beforehand? For just a second, think really hard before you type something in response.

Just think.

I’m trying to decide at this point if you are just a simple forum troll, or possibly have a handicap, or something else.


God I don’t even know at this point. I think he’s trying to be a smarta#s? Or maybe he’s trying to be an elitist? Could also just be a troll too, it’s really hard to tell.

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You missed an option – perhaps they are not the brightest bulb in the pack.

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About what? The context?

You’re in a random dungeon, while leveling… you want a particular item from that dungeon. You literally have lists upon lists of what those items are, but for some reason, after something drops, and someone else receives the item, you decide that you want it.

So then what?

Do I talk to people in my LFG groups? If there is an item I am there for, I might say, “btw, I’m hoping to get this item.” I don’t think I’ve ever done that in a leveling dungeon randomly formed group.

On the other hand, if an item drops that isn’t properly itemized for my spec, but I’d like it, possibly for off spec, I would typically type, “Mind if I roll need on that for OS?”

Are these genuine opinions based on what I’ve stated? Do you read my comments and think, “Hey this person is stupid and doesn’t think things through?”

I’d be curious if you could point to some of these comments, and share your thought process in coming to this conclusion. Of course I’m not demanding this. I’m just asking, as a point of curiosity, if that is indeed how you seem to be reading what I’ve stated.


You’re being unnecessarily argumentative over a very basic QoL change for literally no reason. Are the Classic Cata forums that uneventful?

Could you give an actual example?

They are relatively uneventful, yes. In any case, my understanding is that I clearly stated:

I also mentioned that:

For whatever reason that seems to have struck a chord and you’re resorting to all sorts of name calling, and accusations.

Am I really? OK, well if that’s what you think, then perhaps I shall stop replying to you and your thread. Have a great day, and I hope you enjoy your gaming experiences.


Okay byyyyye.


Because you can’t trade cross realm, if they were on your realm, then you can give them water.

I don’t think it’s that simple to trade items cross-server.

It’s not as basic as you’re making it out to be. Cross-realm item trading would be an enormous change. Snipy is one of the worst posters on this forum, though.

True, perhaps not “basic”, but certainly important in my personal opinion, especially since 99% of LFG queues now are cross-realm (at least, has been for me while leveling different toons. Maybe I’ve just been unlucky). It has quickly become annoying, not just in receiving loot but also offering it to others who need it. Blegh.

Oh I didn’t know he was an infamous urban legend lmao. Good to know for the future hah!