Let us skip quest chain for Draenor and Garrison

And other old content that is no longer relevant to the current expansion, if you have already done it on another character.

The character boost used to give an already partly developed Garrison, but no longer does because it’s no longer relevant, by Blizzard’s reasoning. So at least let newly boosted characters, or even leveling characters, skip the long quest chain to open the Garrison.


Time-Lost Isle in Pandaria, there’s a portal to Draenor (or was prior to portalocalypse). Skips the intro.


That’s true, but if you actually go through the portal some time later, you get railroaded into the intro quests anyway.
(I tried this a couple of years ago so it might have been fixed since then)


But does it let you start building your garrison? I was able to get to Draenor quite fine, but there was no quest to establish the garrison until I did the long quest chain.

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It worked on a character I had that was boosted - but not sure on an at level one.

It’s off the timeless island - go to where the frogs are past the ramp up to the plateau - jump in the ocean and find the cave. Sit in the chair and click on the fire…

I think I’m remembering that right.


I mean, probably not, but I don’t think they are interested in remove stuff like that as it involves player participation for placement I think.

You have to go to the spot where the garrison is… there will be a quest giver near there that lets you open it.

For the horde you have to go down the path that takes to the ocean - down the cliffs… it starts down there.


I just looked and didn’t see any npc down there.


That always feels like such a weird hack, I’d rather have a proper “I’ve heard this story before, take me to my Level 1 Garrison” dialog option .


Yes, this!


It was a while ago… I may not be remembering the sequence. I did find it searching online though…

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Ya, but you have to have Draenor flying to get to your garrison…

Or swim all the way around the continent to skip it, which I often due instead of doing the intro quest.

I dun care if it give me like a level and a half of experience, I hate that intro quest and refuse to do it again.


I took the portal from Orgrimmar to Warspear and flew over from there, so getting to Draenor wasn’t the problem. Since I had boosted the character I wanted the garrison for, the flight paths were open, so not having Draenor flying wouldn’t have been a problem. The problem is that there is no npc to give the quest to place the garrison unless you come in through the portal and do the long quest chain.

Please, Blizzard, just let us say we’ve already seen this, and let us skip this huge and no longer relevant chain.

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Id go a step further and just make all garrisons accoind bound

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Like has been said, just do the timeless isle jump. Skips the intro and you just go to where your garrison is and 5 mins later you have a garrison, easy.

WOD is the easiest expansion to level through too, just do bonus objectives and collect treasures, 20-30 mins per level no problem.

An “I’ve heard this story before” for bits like this would be nice. Kinda like they added to this expansion and such.

Edit: Darn, someone beat me.

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At least make it an option. I personally am sick of old content being removed to clean stuff up, it’s making it hard for me to make a new main when my old main has done things new characters can never do again.


I’ve already said at least twice now that I got to Draenor and flew to where my garrison should be…BUT…there is no garrison or quest to establish one UNTIL you go through the portal and do the long quest chain.


You must be going to the wrong spot then, I’ve done that as recently as last week.

I have a lot of alts and a lot of garrisons. I was at the right spot.

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