Let Us Report Random Guild Invites as Spam:

Lul, you just can’t WAIT for my response so you have to edit your own post to cry about it! It’s no wonder you want to punish players who send whispers to you. Here, let me show you how easy it is to ignore idiots.

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Yeah, I’m sure it’s that. I’m sure it’s not the fact that we’re on a forum dedicated to chatting, I mean it couldn’t be that.

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I think the OP is complaining about the in-game messages you receive with the auto guild invite. If you turn off guild invites it solves only half the problem because you keep getting the messages. Also, most of these people who spam guild invites are using an addon to look for and spam guileless people.

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I’ve done this on servers where I play the most and it works perfectly. On other servers, I sign-up with the guild that has the least objectionable name just to stop all the guild spamming, then remove “guild” from the inclusions list on my General tab so I don’t need to see any guild chatter.

So…you’re saying you’re not into that?..

Can always reroll Horde and never get an invite from them again I guess.

I don’t get enough guild invites for it to be a problem. But yes it is annoying and unwelcome.

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I play mainly on Area 52, have for years. It’s highly and thoroughly annoying as hell to get random whispers from people every 10 minutes to join their garbage guilds. I do have guild invites blocked as I also have trade chat turned off. Why should they be allowed to use a third party app that allows them to send automated spam to hundreds of people at once?

Hell, when I try sending mail to my alts, there’s an actual cap in a 24 hour period that stops you from sending mail to too many unique users, even if they are your OWN characters. Ridiculous that I get stopped from sending my own alts things, but people can send me auto guild invite whisper spams all day and night?

It’s even more annoying when I’m multi-boxing and it flashes my screens because of the whispers.

Should be a way to turn off private messages to those not on my battlenet or in game friends list.

It’s different if someone hand typed out an invite while in a city, but to spam 352 people at once should be considered SPAM. How the hell is this allowed?

Should NOT be.


You guys have the Vulpera. :grimacing:

ONE invite shouldnt be breaking the rules…let alone some absurd over reaction like actioning them, lol.
good lord… :roll_eyes:

however…I had a guy send me an invite. I declined. He sent another. I declined and whispered no thanks.
About 6 spams later, I had to report him and block invites.
THAT should be reportable and actionable.

one time…shouldnt

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I mean sure, we have our own equivalent of gay furry but at least it’s not the same guild eh?

Or everyone can get onboard with my idea of WoD 2 Garrosh boogaloo and let the Iron Horde wipe out all furries.

here on GD, they’d have you believe new players are delicate, special snowflakes who can’t think for themselves and must be protected like tiny baby newborn kittens made of glass.

It’s disgusting.

Someone told me an individual made a post about my guild on the forums and I was surprised to see that it is true. In my defense, I do not whisper anyone because I find it unnecessary, instead I just send an invite that you can either decline or accept because the name of the guild says it all. Also, I blacklist people that message me saying they do not want to get invites from me to remedy the situation. If you do not “agree” with my guild name, to each their own. Whether you don’t like gay people or furries, that is not for me to decide. What you need to realize is that my guild is serious, I go to great lengths to insure that people do not troll it because gays and furries get trolled a lot in this game. If you do not like getting random invites, as others have mentioned, you can put me on ignore, which I believe stops the invites, or easily make it so that you can auto decline guild invites. Either way, having there be “actions” against people like me that random invite others is far too harsh and ridiculous, especially since my guild name is not even inappropriate.

No serious guild invites people with random invite spam

I disagree. My tactic can be seen as throwing out a large net to catch interest and then removing those that are not suitable for my guild. I have amassed a growing community of furries this way because they see how the guild is run and notice that it is serious. It is better than individually messaging people and finding out whether or not they are furries, because that can easily lead to them thinking they are getting trolled or believing I am not serious.

It’s not ONE invite.

If you send a mass-spam message to an e-mail address once, that person gets it once.

What about the other 5 million addresses they sent it to? Sending the same spam out hoping to get a bite from some of them is still spamming.

Your sarcasm is delicious <3

Auto-guild invite addons do need to get broken/banned.

They’re a symptom of when Blizzard had guild perks, specifically the Cash Flow perk. Sadly while the perk is gone, the guild spamming remains, and quite frankly, it shouldn’t exist. I get especially annoyed when (since I’m on a RP realm) it’s an auto-invite for a roleplaying guild.

Most of us GM’s are considerate enough to only invite an individual once.

You think you’re so special you just can’t move on and have to stop in place because someone says, “hi would you like to join my guild?”

And want to get someone banned for a literal function of the game that YOU could turn off? THAT is the solution—it already exists!

Just because you’re working through some antisocial issues doesn’t give you the right to take it out on the world.

I wonder what the record is for oldest necro’d thread