pretty sure they plan on doing it eventually in phases, just like how they plan to make pre-tww reps warband wide
They Are enabled for dragon flight. Anything older doesn’t have them yet, you have to set your timewalking chrome to dragonflight to do the dragonflight follower dungeons (Why its not just a drop down selectable is beyond me.)
I said “older expansions,” not dragonflight. I’m responding to the OP’s complaint, which had nothing to do with DF.
“I definitely would like them to be enabled for Dragonflight and Legion (since I missed a big chunk of those) and SL / BFA (for nostalgia) one day.”
You uh, you sure about that buddy?
Well that’s part of the chunk I missed, “buddy.” Larger point stands.
Listen man, no need to get hostile. I understand your fundamental point, I too want it for older content, but I thought you were legitimately unaware that it was available in dragonflight since you did mention it.
I would love to see follower dugeons expanded to all expansions.
It would be nice to be able to level in whatever expansion you would like.
Then be able to do the dungeon quests without having to find a group
when no one else is around.
My guess is that this is on some kind of To DO list and that they have simply not got around to it yet.
They’ve already said they are working on it.
It’s a new system, they have to integrate the code into the older dungeons. It’s not ready yet.
Give them time.
They got to program the AI to do the fights in older dungeons and it’s really not worth the time investment for them to do it.
Immersion and a bit of a challenge. I can solo storm a dungeon and some raids for quick transmog hunting but the experience, when fun, is totally different from normal dungeon play.
Allowing people to use the follower dungeon system to do dungeon type content could actually revitalise the game as an MMO. Gone are the problem with toxic players in the dungeons. You can do them YOUR way at your phase. The MMO part can then be concentrated to social roleplaying gatherings instead. And my favourite, random encounter cooperation in the open world.
Unleash the AI! Send people in with a follower group that just has to learn from scratch like a player would!
Just license the L4D2 bot AI from Valve and use that instead.
… Actually, scratch that. Terrible idea.
They do! I did the weekly 1500 rep quest (with a choice of Kej or Crystals too) using Follow Dungeons (only checked Stonevault as that was this week’s objective).
Dont path them for tanks, just let us fire up the next pack and bosses and then let the AI tank take over…we can do that now with follower dungeons and its perfectly fine.
Do it that way and they dont need to spend any time doing the tank pathing thing that’ll keep them from ever doing this at all.
because youre pretty much one shotting everything solo…over leveled, over geared.
With AI runs the game at least pretends to show a little resistance.
not really. Dont implement the tank pathing…at all. We have the option to let the tank lead…or fire up mobs ourselvse and let the tank take over as it stands now.
dont do the tank lead option…that will save all that work and they can just let us have four followers who kill whatever we shoot at.
see my post above.
Right now we can choose to lead…even as healer or DPS…fire up the next target and then tank takes over until that fight is done and we pull something else.
Or we can click the box and let the tank lead, which we dont really have to have in classic era dungeons.
Just dont implement that latter option.
I think they should at least cover Shadowlands content. I’ve found it is next to impossible to queue for specific Shadowlands dungeons because there are simply not enough players timewalking Shadowlands.
Noooo way…we can do that ?? OR is this option just enable ‘War With In’ ?? I stopped purchasing new expansion when Pathfinder went live and stopped playing them at Shadowland. I love playing Dungeons once I out level them and can run them solo. Like taking my time and enjoying the experience…its a whole new world !! I think being able to play dungeons with followers before out leveling them would be a bit more of a challenging but still do-able. Its similar to experiencing new content .
The problem with making follower dungeons for older content isn’t so simple as Slap followers in one and cal it a day. Plenty have alreayd explained the time and effort and mechanic thing but here’s another problem:
Alot of the older expansions once you hit a certain level (I want to say 30-70 expansion level cap depending) Those dungeons become obscelete and you outscale them tremendously (unless you’re chromie timed into said expansion but this is a whole new ordeal pertaining to follower dungeons but I digress)
yes they have to tailor make the followers to the dungeon itself. pathing, Mechanics for trash pulls and bosses, etc. But also How do you scale followers for follower dungeons when you outscale a dungeon so quickly as you’re leveling? I can see it being exploited in ALL kinds of ways (and you thought herb and mine bots were rough? )
They have a lot of nuance and alot of older code to work through so I don’t think they will retro back any older dungeons to have followers. But I think we CAN see followers in dungeons to come which will be better in my eyes.