Let Survival talent into Lone Wolf

Lol at Rexxar being minor character… Clearly you didn’t play horde story enough.

About Lone Wolf Survival hunters you could mention Lor’themar Theron, he uses survival skills during quests that you have him as companion (Harpoon an butchery) but has no pet.

Survival needs to move away from pet reliance so that it can function more as a unique spec. Having KC be your core generator still just feels completely wonky and borrows too much from BM. Using a pet should compliment survival and not gimp you by relying on it for your core rotation.

Lone wolf imo would force the devs to actually further flesh out survivals identity and would do away with the borrowed BM mechanics. This way you could have the choice of using a pet for added utility in some situations, or just take the LW damage bonus. The only spec that should be forced into using pets as a core mechanic is BM.


Survival is really fun

I’m pleased they get some more ranged back in Shadowlands, my favorite Hunter was mixed melee/ranged BM back in Burning Crusade. Ate all other hunters, twink 49, ez leveling farming

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If you think Survival in SL is remotely representative of Hunter gameplay in Burning Crusade, a time when every Hunter spec was a fully-capable ranged spec, you are woefully misinformed.


I think they should either let survival go lone wolf or make it so their pets don’t die so easily.

^^^^^ THIS ^^^^^^


Uhh… pet reliance is exactly what makes it unique as a melee fighter.

While I agree about Lone Wolf, I dont think Blizz can handle the responsibilities of maintaining more classes/specs in the game.


That was in Vanilla, when I (as an MM Hunter) was frequently told by raid leaders to dismiss my pet as it was a liability and did not provide meaningful damage.

And again in TBC, and Wrath, and Cataclysm. By the time MoP came around pet AI had been fixed somewhat, so derpy pet AI just killed the pet, rather than wiping the group. Then WoD brought in Lone Wolf.

Only if bm gets lone wolf as well

i think u mean BM becomes the wolf

I am not saying it should but Survival can be made to work without the beast. I don’t even recall RSV having any abilities requiring the beast in it’s main rotation.

But Beast Mastery without beasts CAN’T work. It is fundamentally tied to the beast and has been from the very beginning of the game.


One of the core aspect of Survival is basically “me and my pet best friend agains’t the world” kind of deal.

Besides losing half our utility to do viable damage is not a good design, MM made that clear.

MM loses ONE ability and ONE passive for Lone Wolf. If you would have been using a Tenacity pet, it only loses the passive.

For PvP, you miss out on Master’s Call and Roar of Sacrifice, but even that is hardly half our utility.

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You do understand how important these abilities are right? Pet abilities include vital ones such as a Mortal Strike effect. Besides that what’s left, traps and Bursting/Scatter shot?

Pets are a huge part of our toolkit.

Traps, Flare, Disengage, Exhilaration, Turtle, Cheetah, Binding Shot, Bursting Shot, Concussive Shot, Scatter Shot, Tranquilizing Shot.

Compared with Primal Rage OR Master’s Call, Mortal Wounds, Roar of Sacrifice, and the passive speed/leech/Stam.

At best, pets give MM 3 abilities and a passive, compared with 12 abilities. Like I said, hardly half our utility.

I’m not saying pets aren’t important, I’m saying be honest about the impact.

You also severely overstate the single target DPS provided by Lone Wolf, it’s within about 1% of using a pet.

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In PvE is worthless, given for PvP.

None of that is utility, its mobility/survivability

Mentioned most of these but points given.

Is tied to pets now.

The only pets giving questionable utility are Ferocity ones, and even then you need to pop them out once in a while in M+ if you don’t have a Mage or Shaman in the group. Tenacity is incredibly useful in PvE, doing M Nzoth prog with my guild right now (i joined late and they decided to bring me along cause they needed extra immunities), the extra health and the Wall keeps me alive through Eternal Torment very often.

Cunning pets are also incredibly good in both PvE and PvP. Well in PvP you can’t run anything else, having access to your own blessing of freedom is a lifesaver or kill guarantee pretty much all the time. The passive movement speed is also very good for improved uptime in PvE and PvP.

On Patchwerk fights, maybe. In reality where add switching and movement matters, its more.

Bottom line the problem with Lone Wolf is that it still requires you to gimp yourself, ignoring a core aspect of your class for extra damage. Just that is kind of mind-boggling as a design philosophy.

Way back in the day i loved the idea, i kept bringing it up myself because i would had loved for MM to be ENTIRELY designed around no pets. Not the awkward half measure Blizzard gave us. If that’s all they can do, just get rid of it really.

I’m talking Shadowlands, not BfA.

Tranquilizing Shot is a Hunter ability in SL, due to concerns about too much utility tied to the pet.

Lone Wolf MM inherently has Survival of the Fittest, so Tenacity offers nothing except the bonus health.

I missed that.

Well that’s good.

But it doesn’t change much at all. We got back one situational utility tool, great. Core design behind Lone Wolf stays the same.

And I still don’t have a problem with the idea that a skilled Marksman can do a better job filling his enemies with holes when he isn’t worried about what Fluffy is doing.


A skilled pet owner shouldn’t HAVE to worry about what fluffy is doing. Its the whole point of training.